11 Year Old Girl Told She Can’t Wear T-Shirt to Honor Those That Died on 9/11


New York 1Orangevale, California: The stepdaughter of a U.S. veteran was told last week that she was not allowed to wear to school a T-shirt to honor the men and women who died in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

According to reports, Tim Foster was told by administrators in the Orangevale school system that his stepdaughter, 11, who is in the sixth-grade, would be violating the dress code if she wore the T-shirt, which the family has worn every year since the attacks. The shirt lists the names of those who lost their lives that day in the shape of the twin towers.

We “wear it to honor what had happened on 9/11 and all the people that have perished and the lives that were changed on that day,” Foster, who has served for nearly 25 years, including two tours in Iraq, told the station.

But Foster’s stepdaughter wasn’t allowed to wear the shirt last Thursday, on the 13th anniversary of the attacks, and administrators said she had to wear her uniform – a T-shirt with the school’s name and logo.

Foster said he understands the school’s policy, but was hoping officials would understand the significance of the day and let her wear the commemorative T-shirt.

District spokesman Trent Allen said students are only allowed to wear clothing other than their uniform on free dress days, and Sept. 11 isn’t one of those days.

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