Pro-Life Censorship: Free Speech Shut Down LIVE on Air


Bud and Tara and kidsBy Tara Shaver

While in Flagstaff, AZ for a Pro-Life presentation about our ministry, I was invited to speak on a community radio show about our presentation at a local church.

This was an awesome opportunity considering that Flagstaff is where we began our pro-life efforts back in 2007. It’s amazing to see how our work has come full circle and we now have the chance to encourage Flagstaff locals with our own journey of faith and cast the vision for an abortion free city.

The host that invited me onto the community radio show is a former actress and herself used to be pro- abortion. She now runs a ministry that feeds the homeless of Flagstaff and is passionate for Jesus and for life.

Our interview was scheduled for one hour during her weekly time slot and we were tag teaming great. This particular station focuses on keeping the community abreast of local happenings so we were promoting our presentation while educating listeners about abortion in NM, how more people are identifying as pro- life and how folks in Flagstaff can get involved in really simple ways.

At about 40 minutes into the interview someone I couldn’t see began to tap on the studio window. It kind of flustered both of us as we were in the middle of our conversation on live radio. I nonetheless kept the conversation going until the que for another song came. At that point, my lovely host stepped out of studio to see what the ruckus was about.

I heard several voices and the conversation lasted a few minutes. When the host came back she was dumbfounded because she had been instructed to get back on the air and give a disclaimer that all views expressed were not that of the station. She indicated that she had never been told to do this and she’s had a quite a range of guests over the past 10 years on air.

Apparently she was also advised that for this topic she should have had someone from the other side present to rebuttal the things I said. And moving forward in the future she would have to present her guest lineup and topics in advance for station approval.

This too baffled her as once again this has never been an issue before.

Thankfully, we had 40 good minutes to chat and speak the hardcore pro-life truth for Flagstaff to hear before they shut my interview down and took me off the air!

Sadly, free speech is more under attack perhaps more than ever before. Why does opposing pre-born child killing have to be viewed as controversial to the point of censoring our message that educates the masses and can bring hope to the pregnant and post abortive woman?

This should not be. But it is, so who will be the voice of truth and stand with us?


During my time on air Bud and our dear friend Johnny were in the most high traffic area in the city, out in front of Flagstaff City Hall boldly showing the truth about abortion and lighting up the darkness!


Bud and Tara Shaver are speaking at a local church in Flagstaff, AZ on Saturday October 3rd:

“Making States Abortion Free One City at a Time- A Pro-Life Journey”

When: Saturday, October 3rd

Where: 2203 N. East St, Flagstaff, AZ 86004

Time: 1:00pm

Visit for more information about Bud and Tara’s Pro-Life ministry in New Mexico


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