Personality Profile Piece by the ABQ Journal Featuring Bud and Tara Shaver’s Efforts In New Mexico


“Tara and Bud Shaver, who home-school their children, make time for a weekday outing to a local park with their kids. Bud is the executive director of the anti-abortion group Protest ABQ, and Tara is the organization’s senior policy adviser.” (Roberto E. Rosales/Albuquerque Journal)

Albuquerque Journal’s “personality profile piece” about our ministry efforts in New Mexico: Albuquerque’s anti-abortion crusaders

By  Rick Nathanson / Journal Staff Writer

“We’re just Christian people who want to see babies’ lives saved and moms protected,” Tara said.

“We ultimately want to bring our culture and community in New Mexico to a point, not where we enforce our will on New Mexico,” Bud said, “but where New Mexico understands and embraces a culture of life.”

In many ways, the Shavers are indistinguishable from their neighbors. They live in a modest rented home in Albuquerque’s International District, where their children, two of whom were born with the aid of a midwife, are the center of daily family life…

Continue Reading: Albuquerque’s anti-abortion crusaders: Bud and Tara Shaver take no prisoners in their ‘culture of life’ campaign

jt082215a/a sec/ jim thompson/ Hundreds of protestors against abortion lined San Mateo Blvd. NE in front of the Planned Parenthood offices Saturday morning. There was a small group of people protesting in favor of abortion to the right of the photo. Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015.(Jim Thompson/Albuquerque Journal.)
jt082215a/a sec/ jim thompson/ Hundreds of protestors against abortion lined San Mateo Blvd. NE in front of the Planned Parenthood offices Saturday morning. There was a small group of people protesting in favor of abortion to the right of the photo. Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015.(Jim Thompson/Albuquerque Journal.)

For more information about our ministry efforts here in New Mexico visit:

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Fr. Stephen Imbarrato’s National Pro-Life Protest Movement:


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