Fox News Head Roger Ailes Said to be Negotiating His Leaving


Reports are circulation among the various major media outlets that Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News who is responsible for putting together the line up that dominates cable news is in negotiations with parent company 21st Century Fox to leave the company.

This following several accusations of sexual harassment starting with Gretchen Carlson suing the company and reportedly ending with Megan Kelly during an internal investigation.

For its part, 21st Century Fox is not admitting to any agreement stating that the only agreement is for his current employment package.

Why does this matter to you? Fox News has been one of the few remaining “conservative” news networks and one of the only major outlets to not be in lockstep with the rest of the so called main stream media.

But we should note that while Fox News has not been a favorite of the godless progressive, they are not a Christian organization either. Were we get our information determines our worldview and should these allegations against Roger Ailes prove to be true, that gives us insight into the spirit behind the news many conservatives and many Christians consume.

We should be in prayer that the truth is revealed in this situation.

Source articles:

NY Times

NY Mag Sources: Megyn Kelly Told Murdoch Investigators That Roger Ailes Sexually Harassed Her

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