Good Morning Beautiful People…



Can You Draw or Do You Have Words?

I so wanted to share this recent experience with you today. I have been attending classes for a certificate in Care Counselor Training. One particular class we were given an assignment that really has stayed etched in my mind. We were setting around a table with seven people at each table. We were given a certain amount of time to draw on a large sheet of paper anything that we desired to draw. Then we were to move to the next chair and add something to the next person’s picture. We continued to do this until we had an opportunity to add something on each person’s picture around our table. At first I panicked as I don’t draw well, but when I moved to the first chair I couldn’t seem to draw anything but a red heart for the heart of Christ for that person. However, words kept coming to my mind. So I wrote the words on the picture. Then we all moved to the next chair and the same thing happened. I drew the heart and words came very quickly to me. Once again, I penned them on the paper. After about the third chair I raised my hand to make sure this was ok as I prayed Oh God I hope I’m not messing up the people’s pictures. I just kept getting words when I would sit in their chair and look at their picture. They assured me it was all ok.

After I sat back in my own chair and I looked at my picture and what the other six people had drawn on my paper, I was very touched. Some of these folk I knew fairly well and some I barely knew at all. They sure had made my picture beautiful. I smile every time I look at this beautiful picture. It reminds me of a special class with those six people drawing on my life.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if we drew something nice, kind, beautiful on people’s lives around this globe? What if the words we spoke and the pictures we drew on each other’s lives today were of the same nature? encouraging, uplifting, kind and loving, truly showing the love of Christ.

We don’t go around with a large piece of paper around our necks for others to draw on; however we have the opportunity to make an impact on every life we meet each and every day. It brings to my mind the scripture in 1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. Another favorite scripture that reminds us to be kind, compassionate and loving towards all people is Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Today, go out of your way to be kind. Do a good deed for someone. Everyone you meet today treat them as they could be an angel. You never know who God will entrust you with this day. Draw a heart on their life to reflect the love of Christ. You may be the only hope they have and he has entrusted you to draw or write hope and love on their picture (life) today.

Share the love of Christ all across this globe this day, even if you need to use words.






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