Gov. Martinez And Attorney General King Avoid Sanctity of Life And Marriage


Gary King 3

I included this picture of a campaign piece from the Susana Martinez camp to make a point that Martinez and King don’t address the real issues of the state, they only have their self interest at heart. 
I have been up the last two nights praying about whether or not to post this, but God has shown me to be salt and light……..News and Views-DeweyI’m not just going to let go of this abortion and violent crime problem, sanctity of life and marriage in Albuquerque and the state of New Mexico. I’m not going to let go of the fact of the leaders of New Mexico failing to call for City and State wide prayer. I’m going to stick on this like stink on an ape….and boy does it stink!

And I sought a man among them who should build up a wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30

In my book, sanctity of life not only is about abortion, it’s about murder,drugs,  rape, domestic abuse, about life issues, quality of life for our children.

So over a period of time New Mexico Governor Martinez has refused to speak up against the aborting of children, she failed to get behind the city ordinance to stop late term abortion in Albuquerque, saying it was a city issue not a state issue. How lame! It’s a God issue! I thought the Governor was to be the leader of all in the state, including babies.  The murder of babies continues. Then we reported last week that New Mexico lost it’s bid for the Tesla battery factory that we were told would employ 6,000 people. I think we all have been burned enough by these promises of corporations and government official’s on promises of jobs. Tesla announced it is going to make Nevada it’s home, New Mexico loses. But because of a weak Governor and legislature we gained an abortion clinic. The Governor in all her daily news releases made no announcement of this, but she did announce “more beer” in Santa Fe, see below. I am deeply troubled about Governor Martinez’s lack of attention to the sanctity of life, abortion and violent crime and to the sanctity of marriage. The Governor has failed to stand in the gap for the sanctity of marriage.

Over the years I have challenged Attorney General King about all these issues, I have interviewed him on the radio, I have come to the conclusion he is the worst Attorney General in the history of New Mexico. He has even failed to attack corruption! King supports abortion and same sex marriage.

The God fearing people of New Mexico need to have a come to Jesus meeting with Governor Martinez and Attorney General King, or the next 4 years will be the same old thing.

This news story just came into FGGAM News: What was I just saying? More of the same……….For years we have been calling for the diversification of New Mexico’s economy!

New Mexico is  last in job growth nationally…..

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —Losing out on Tesla has many New Mexicans talking about the state of our economy.
Experts say it’s bad; in fact, New Mexico ranks dead last in the country in job growth.

Researchers say things aren’t getting better.

Right now, New Mexico is ranked 50th.

The lack of job growth is both in private companies and government.

 Gov. Susana Martinez explains New Mexico is the No. 1 state reliant on federal dollars, from the military bases and national labs.

FGGAM has made the plea to Mayor Berry and Governor Martinez for a month of prayer, to pray against the continued violence in Albuquerque and the state of New Mexico. See the post here:

West Virginia Mayor’s Plea For Prayer Goes Viral, Where is Albuquerque and New Mexico?

Here is a report from KOB TV on the latest murder in Albuquerque: Police: Father stabbed to death by man who took child

Heroin is the “no moral code” drug…….it leads to violent crime, we have posted about this numerous timers here at FGGAM, New Mexico has a very high rate of Heroin use: Parents arrested after nearly 100 used heroin needles found in motel room

Read our in depth report here including a video presentation on New Mexico’s heroin battle:

Heroin, Mexican Drug Cartel, APD Understaffed, Where is King And Martinez?

As we approach election day here in New Mexico both Governor Martinez and Attorney General Gary King avoid the issue of the killing of babies, violent crime, murder, rape, domestic abuse, failing schools, the sanctity of marriage and so on……….I have not heard either one make a call out for the people of New Mexico to call out to God, to come together and repesnt of our sins and seek the face of God and pray for a change of hearts here in New Mexico and our nation, a change of hearts for Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only answer to any of our problems, hearts for Jesus, the mind of Jesus Christ.

You see the Politicians keep doing the same thing, over and over………

Violent crime continues in Albuquerque most everyday……we repeat our call out to Mayor Berry and Governor Martinez for a month long prayer vigil for Albuquerque and the state of New Mexico. Let us seek the face of God, Let us repent of our sins, let us pray for a riddance of mind altering drugs and alcohol which lead to violent crime.crime 3An Albuquerque woman is facing an aggravated battery charge after police say she set her friend on fire.

Erica Garcia was arrested following a drunken argument that left a man with burns to his chest, shoulders and hands.

According to police, Garcia doused the man with rubbing alcohol and lit him on fire when the two got into an argument.

Garcia was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and was ordered held on a $25,000 bond.

Let us pray over this situation, we pray  the healing, in Jesus name, Amen

What really bothers my spirit is this press release put out by the Governor’s office yesterday, boasting about more alcohol in New Mexico. Do I need to remind the Governor that New Mexico leads the nation in alcohol related deaths?

**Media Advisory**

Governor Susana Martinez to Announce Expansion and New Jobs at Santa Fe Brewing Company

Albuquerque — Governor Susana Martinez and Economic Development Secretary Jon Barela will join officials from Santa Fe County, the City of Santa Fe, the Regional Economic Development Corporation, and the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce to announce that the Santa Fe Brewing Company is expanding its manufacturing and production facility and creating 105 new jobs.

Santa Fe Brewing brews, cans, and bottles its product on site and exports throughout a nine-state region. This expansion will help the manufacturing company reach new markets both nationally and internationally.

The value-added food production industry, which includes beverage makers like Santa Fe Brewing Company, is a sector targeted for growth by Gov. Martinez’s administration because of New Mexico’s rich agriculture heritage and assets. Additionally, exporting New Mexico-made goods brings dollars to the state and grows the economic and tax base.

According to the Brewers Association, craft beer sales have increased 17.2 percent in the U.S. in 2013 and is a $14.3 billion market.

This announcement follows last week’s announcements of a Los Lunas family manufacturing company, Accurate’s, 250 employee expansion and PESCO, a Farmington family service and manufacturer’s, expansion of 150 employees. In recent months, manufacturers from as far away as Germany and Turkey, and as close as California, have moved their operations into New Mexico. 

So New mexico loses out on the Tesla battery plant and what did they say? 6,000 jobs?……So we brag about more beer?

But New Mexico did gain another abortion factory, as the Governor celebrates more beer………

BREAKING NEWS: Abortion Clinic To Open In Las Cruces, New Mexico

Also get more from our radio program today on KDAZ AM730:

The World We Live In Radio Podcast 9-8-14 with Pastors Dewey Moede & Paul Holt

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