What is Most Important?


Your Bible Boost

Pastor Leonard Navarre


What is most important?


So what’s important in your life?  Not just what is good!  What is most important?  What is TOP priority??  It is my deepest prayer that our time together will not only encourage us in the Lord Jesus Christ but also challenge us to serve Him in a greater way.


SO, friends, back to our original question.  What is most important in your life?  Our Bible boost for today comes from Luke chapter 10 and verses 38 thru 42.  Jesus and his disciples were traveling and came to village where two ladies opened their home to Jesus.


One of the ladies busied herself about preparations to properly host their guests.  I can just imagine in my mind Martha flitting around the kitchen asking herself; what am I going to prepare for supper? How many disciples does He have with Him? Do we have enough chairs for the dining room table.?  You get the idea.  Most of us would be going through the same process.  As Martha is busy in the kitchen making preparations she notices her sister is not with her.  Her sister is not helping to get things ready for their guest.


So, Martha goes to Jesus to complain.  She tells the Lord that Mary should be in the kitchen with her, helping her.  In fact here’s her statement to Jesus, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself.  Tell her to help me!”  (Luke 10:40) Martha is upset that she has to do all the work by herself and now is calling on the Lord to chastise her sister Mary for not helping. But, listen to the words of Jesus in Luke 10 verse 41.  “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things.  Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.” 


Do you hear the words of Jesus?  He told Martha she was worried and upset about many things!  In verse 40 it states that Martha is “distracted by all the preparations”.   Verse 39 says that Mary had chosen to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to the Lord teach.  Jesus commends her for that decision.


Friends we can learn an important lesson from this text.  The devil is the master at bothering us, getting us to worried and upset about trivial things.  He is a pro at distracting us from that which is, as Jesus says, “ the one thing that is needed and what is better”.   When Martha asked the Lord, “don’t you care” the answer is obvious.  Yes, He cares.  He cares about every part of our lives, but He is also loving us when He directs us to THE ONE THING THAT IS NEEDED.  What is it you ask?  Why it’s sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to what HE says and obeying!!


If you are like me so many times the day timer, palm pilot, blackberry, internet, you name it, those distract and take my attention away from my Bible Study, prayer and “sitting at the feet of Jesus”. It is not that the distractions are in and of themselves bad, they are hindering our focus on and what Jesus said was the “one thing that what is needed”.


So, I ask you.  What is most important in YOUR LIFE?  Here in this text Martha was distracted, worried and upset about things that were good but listen to Jesus’ words, these are not my words,“the one thing that was needed.”  Listening to Jesus.


So let us not be worried and distracted by simply good things…follow the words of Jesus, choose the most important thing…to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to HIM, that is the one thing that is needed.

study Bible

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