UPDATED 6:08am 9/7/14: Judge Favors Dismissing Glorieta Conference Center Lawsuit


This story makes me sad…it has been a mess. Sharon and I stayed at Glorieta a few years ago and it was so peaceful, but times have been anything but peaceful at Glorieta since the sale. We also have our Dear friend Pastor Glenn Strock who lives with his family at Glorieta and this has put his property in jeopardy, we continue to pray over this situation. I just got off the phone with Pastor Glenn and he told me he proclaims James 1 over his family. Glenn is the Pastor of the Cowboy Church in nearby Pecos, New Mexico.glorieta lakeThe Albuquerque Journal is reporting in today’s edition that Federal Magistrate Judge Robert Hayes Scott is recommending dismissal of a lawsuit that seeks to block the sale of the beloved Baptist affiliated Glorierta Conference Center east of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The  lawsuit was filed by Kirk and Sue Tompkins of Little Rock, Arkansas claiming the 2,400 acres property was not properly transferred from LifeWay Christian Resources, an arm of the Southern Baptist Conference to Texas based Glorieta 2.0 which bought the center from LifeWay in September of 2013. Judge Scott issued 79 pages of findings and said that the transfer of property was not fraudulent and allegations of fraud and misconduct were baseless. The Tompkins told the Journal they are not throwing in the towel yet, as they will file a counter-comment in the next 14 days.

Updated 6:08am 9/7/14 More information on this story:


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