Merry Christmas Movement is Winning!


Christmas natavity sceneI just love shouting from the rooftop, “MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!” I spend everyday celebrating Christmas! The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! Growing up in Minnesota we would start wishing people a Merry Christmas before Thanksgiving, by saying, “Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!” I still find people looking at me strangely from time to time (Well, I second thought that happens all the time! LOL) anyhow I have been greeting people  with “Merry Christmas” for weeks now as I walk into the post office, the supermarket, everywhere I go!  Do not be bashful about your love for Jesus! Proclaim it to the world!  Amen! It is so wonderful to celebrate His birth and greatness! By the way the picture I have included is of our Nativity scene at the Moede house! PRAISE GOD and Merry Christmas!   This is an interesting read: Wishing students “Merry Christmas” is now protected in Texas public schools
thanks to a recently minted Merry Christmas law, which allows students,
teachers, and administrators to say traditional holiday greetings on campus.
Recommended: How well do you know global Christmas traditions?

But he replied, “I must preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God in other towns, too, because that is why I was sent.” Luke 4:43

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