As The NFL Falls Into The Evil Depths of Domestic Abuse and Drugs, Tim Tebow Keeps Going For God’s Glory Alone


Tim Tebow The NFL sure has gone to hell in a hand basket. It seems that many teams now have a “jail squad”, we used to call that a “taxi squad” in football. It is a shame as to what has happened in the NFL, and fans still go nuts over NFL Football, I don’t get that part. It’s like many Americans are approving the life style of the NFL. The NFL is a reflection of what is going on in the American society, domestic abuse and drugs. I am here to tell you that not only does the NFL have a domestic abuse problem it has a severe illegal drug problem that is being covered up. The NFL is guilty of many cover ups and the media and fans are letting them off the hook. It is very interesting that a very capable and clean cut quarterback can’t find work in the NFL…what does that tell you?  Awhile back here at FGGAM we got a note of thanks from the Tim Tebow Foundation for posting a story on Tim, it received thousand and thousands of hits, I think it was 350,000! FGGAM is blessed to have been a part of that.

Here is that story:

Teenager Battling Life Threatening Illness Meets Her Hero, Tim Tebow

Here’s an update on what Tim has been up to:

Football player and Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow became well-known for publicly expressing his faith through prayer… Read more…

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