Plaza Inn Hotel…”Dead Babies Delivered In Toilets Here”




Today kick’s off the 2014 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta hosted every year in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This event brings thousands of people to ABQ and every hotel is packed to the brim including Plaza Inn, the abortion hotel…So what does that mean? PROTEST ABQ!


Why PROTEST Plaza Inn Hotel?

“Live Action [released a new undercover video] revealing that the Plaza Inn Hotel in Albuquerque gives special discount rates and provides transportation for women seeking late-term abortions [Late-Term ” abortion” Killing Center Southwestern Women’s Options].

The hotel’s alliance with a late-term abortionist is perhaps less shocking than the facility’s advice to women who go into labor during the arduous procedure. The counselor tells the reporter that if she feels herself going into labor, she should deliver her child into the hotel toilet.

The counselor tells the young woman that if she feels “something coming out” – she pauses, “um, the pregnancy coming out” – she should just “get your cell phone and just sit on the toilet.” She can stay there until facility personnel arrive.

“You don’t have to look at anything. You don’t have to clean anything up or nothing,” she said.”~Excerpt from an undercover report by Live Action

Watch the undercover video here: New undercover video: Hotel gives special rate to mothers having late-term abortions in Albuquerque

“Plaza Inn Hotel in Albuquerque has become a place of misery for women expelling their dead aborted children. It is imperative that Plaza Inn stop collaborating with late term abortionists who are killing children through all nine months of pregnancy. The fact that Plaza Inn is providing a place for women to deliver their babies into toilets is truly horrific and reason that every person should refuse to do business with them,”stated Tara Shaver of Protest ABQ.

Please feel free to (respectfully) contact Plaza Inn Hotel and encourage them to stop collaborating with late term abortionists who are killing children through all nine months of pregnancy: (505) 243-5693

Also Plaza Inn Albuquerque  doesn’t have an active Facebook page, however many people have added their “review” to this page where people are leaving comments and reviews…FEEL FREE to leave  a comment!  Here’s the direct link:


For more information about Protest ABQ visit:


  1. What are the owners of the Plaza Inn thinking? Those poor unborn babies don’t have a voice in this situation. What is our world coming to. We must keep these unborn babies in our prayers as well as the places allowing this sort of thing to go in. We are self destructing and no one seams to care.

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