Quote of the Day: From WWI Veteran, Former President Harry S. Truman


harry truman 2I have studied Harry S. Truman’s life from his humble beginnings in Missouri  to his service to our Country in WWI and then President of the United States and making the most difficult decision that any President has had to make, dropping the bomb on Japan to end WWII.  Abraham Lincoln also had to make the most difficult decisions of any President before and during the Civil War. I pray for the days of leadership of Lincoln and Truman.

Here’s the Quote I share with you on Veterans Day 2013 from President Truman:

I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.
Harry S. Truman

I strongly believe we need that type of leadership in the Oval Office, Congress, State Government and our Churches.

I have come to inflict the comfortable, and to comfort the inflicted.


  1. It does come to my mind Pastor that our current leadership, (or lack thereof), is by design despite our displeasure or the harm which may come to our great country from our leaders.
    Questions therefore arise:
    Is it in order to ‘wake up’ our next generations and hopefully put them back on a much more Godly line?;
    Or is it possibly a sign that the ‘end of times’ is near?
    I don’t have the answer but pray it’s all by God’s will and it’s a DARN GOOD time to bring GOD fully and devotedly back into our lives!!!

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