The Stench of Bill Richardson Still Lingers in New Mexico, Back Pay Owed to State Workers

Bill Richardson corruptionNews and Views-Dewey When Susana Martinez was elected Governor of New Mexico they had to redo the Governor’s living quarters and one of those reasons was the stench of Bill Richardson cigars, it was that bad, and that is not the only thing he left behind! Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (I am still fuming that this man was never indicted!!)  left New Mexico in one BIG MESS, and it is not cleaned up yet! How can Richardson sleep at night? The state is still having a problem to provide court-ordered back pay to thousands of current or retired state employees. This is a crime against these people! The Albuquerque Journal is reporting this morning that State Personnel Office attorney Randi Johnson said only 4,2000 checks have been mailed to the 10,000 workers owed back pay under a June 2013 ruling. Governor Martinez said last month that most checks would be mailed in September and others more difficult to calculate would be sent in October. October is almost history. Another Richardson scandal! The back pay goes back to 2009 and is because Richardson failed to follow union contracts on distributing money for raises provided by the Legislature. I think Richardson should do the right thing and pay the workers himself from all his speeches. Richardson needs to be held accountable for the mess he left the state in.  It is another failure by Attorney General Gary King of not holding his buddy accountable.  How about that Rail Runner? How about the Spaceport? Millions and millions of dollars invested in ‘White Elephants’. Could have paid the workers their due from that and more could have been saved for the future of the state. No economic sense in those two projects. New Mexico should be outraged that the state still owes workers back pay! Uncalled for!  Here is how KOB TV has covered the story:

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