Stay The Course: Stepping Into Your Prophetic Destiny, Part 4







By Stephen Youngsteven


As I continue with this series I hope to encourage this week that the route you are on is preparing you for your destination. God has a route already prepared for you. It may not be the route you have planned to take but it is intended to get you to your destination.


God will only lead us where we are ready to be led. There are parts of your prophetic destiny that may look more appealing than where you are at right now, but where you’re at right now is preparing you for the bigger things. If you walk into something bigger without proper training, you won’t make it.


The route that you are on does two things for you. It develops your character and it produces responsibility in you. Character is developed and responsibility is learned. I grew up being taught about responsibility but it went beyond the teaching, I had to learn it for myself. Work ethics, integrity, all of these things are vital to you stepping into your prophetic destiny. When the route you’re on gets a little rough, it will take character and responsibility to stay the course.


Sometimes we don’t like the idea of not knowing the route we’re going to take but if we knew the route we might say, “That’s okay, God. You can keep the vision. I’ll stay right where I am.” Think about Joseph. The dream of his family bowing down before him looked good, but imagine if God would have revealed all of the steps he was going to have to take to get there. If he would have known he would have to be betrayed, sold, accused of rape, thrown into jail and forgotten about, he may have chosen not to step into his destiny. Have you ever found yourself saying, “If I only would have known…” or “This didn’t go how I expected it to go?”

God’s ways of getting us where we need to go are often different from what we expect. We must remember the tests we face and the roads we take are to help us improve certain areas of our lives. Even when the route gets tough you have to remember that God knows the hardships you are going through. He never gets surprised; He’s never caught off guard.


Another example we can look at is Moses. He’s going to deliver his people and lead them to the Promised Land. Sounds great doesn’t it? Imagine if God would have told him everything he would go through in the process. Look at the best example we have, Jesus. He’s going to come to be the savior to all mankind. Sounds pretty appealing doesn’t it? Look at the route he took, some pretty amazing things took place but in order to fulfill his prophetic destiny, he had to die. I’m not saying you’re going to die, the point I’m trying to make is that in any route you take there will come a time when it may cost you something, but, stay the course, don’t give up. Live by faith as you move through your prophetic process. Your prophetic destiny will not prove false. Habakkuk 2:2-3 says: Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for; it will certainly come and will not delay.” Your destiny has an appointed time. Every single step of it has an appointed time.


Stay the course, the route you are on is preparing you

for your destination. Next week will be the final part to this series, “Combining Your Prophetic Words And A Listening Ear.”


God Bless!

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