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Dear Famil=
y of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Happy Birthday to Gretchen!!! We all love you! God blesse=
d us with an angel when you were brought into this world! AMEN!
d us with an angel when you were brought into this world! AMEN!
I want to remind of that we bring encou=
ragement and the news you need to know in your daily walk with Jesus Christ=
at our web site for FGGAM Like the following&=
nbsp;story……..Same Sex marriage bill failed in the New Mexico House.
ragement and the news you need to know in your daily walk with Jesus Christ=
at our web site for FGGAM Like the following&=
nbsp;story……..Same Sex marriage bill failed in the New Mexico House.
=E2=80=8E”The kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power.” 1 =
Corinthians 4:20
Corinthians 4:20
I posted this sign on Facebook……….I do not&nb=
sp;believe in luck! When I hear that word…my spirit goes down=
…….there is nothing about luck…….It’s all about our Lord Jesus Chri=
st. His blessings, His favor, His Grace!
sp;believe in luck! When I hear that word…my spirit goes down=
…….there is nothing about luck…….It’s all about our Lord Jesus Chri=
st. His blessings, His favor, His Grace!
As we shared yesterday, God’s authority is absolute=
, hence we must give Him absolute submission, our hearts attitude, and =
;absolute obedience, our outward actions. God’s throne is established =
on His authority. God’s authority represents God Himself. God alone is auth=
ority in all things. Pastor Dave Blackwell wrote a response to this posting=
, hence we must give Him absolute submission, our hearts attitude, and =
;absolute obedience, our outward actions. God’s throne is established =
on His authority. God’s authority represents God Himself. God alone is auth=
ority in all things. Pastor Dave Blackwell wrote a response to this posting=
As respectfully as I=
can state this, I am tired of Christians who say how lucky or unlucky they=
are dependent upon the situations they are in. “Luck” is never mentioned i=
n the Bible. God’s providence, grace, and perfect will are frequently spoke=
n about. And, God’s promise to be with us is also spoken of. So, please, Ch=
ristians, realize that luck has nothing to do with God’s life for you. And,=
please stop knocking on wood and crossing your fingers when you want somet=
hing good for your situation. Try remembering that you are BLESSED by God, =
not lucky from God. Pray and praise God, give God God’s due, and thank God =
for His perfect plan for you. This post comes from my heart and not from ot=
her people’s posts. God bless you!
can state this, I am tired of Christians who say how lucky or unlucky they=
are dependent upon the situations they are in. “Luck” is never mentioned i=
n the Bible. God’s providence, grace, and perfect will are frequently spoke=
n about. And, God’s promise to be with us is also spoken of. So, please, Ch=
ristians, realize that luck has nothing to do with God’s life for you. And,=
please stop knocking on wood and crossing your fingers when you want somet=
hing good for your situation. Try remembering that you are BLESSED by God, =
not lucky from God. Pray and praise God, give God God’s due, and thank God =
for His perfect plan for you. This post comes from my heart and not from ot=
her people’s posts. God bless you!
Thank you for that r=
esponse Pastor Dave.
esponse Pastor Dave.
Love it!!!!!
I had to share those pictu=
res with you! Got a lot of comments=
res with you! Got a lot of comments=
Great taping Dewey and Friends segment with Dr Steve Hopk=
ins long time Veterinarian and friend of the family is with me to talk abou=
t Gods creatures and the human bond between us and our pets! Steve Shares t=
he story of how his first dog saved his life This program will air Saturday=
night at 6pm on KAZQ CH 32 For Gods Glory Alone!!
ins long time Veterinarian and friend of the family is with me to talk abou=
t Gods creatures and the human bond between us and our pets! Steve Shares t=
he story of how his first dog saved his life This program will air Saturday=
night at 6pm on KAZQ CH 32 For Gods Glory Alone!!
Part of our message from the =
program with Dr. Steve is this………. =
“Treat a=
ll creatures kindly, then, so far as you can, for the great Creator=E2=80=
=99s sake.” Charles Spurgeon
program with Dr. Steve is this………. =
“Treat a=
ll creatures kindly, then, so far as you can, for the great Creator=E2=80=
=99s sake.” Charles Spurgeon
Also from Genesis 1:26-28
God Spoke: “Let make human be=
ings in our image, make them reflecting our nature
ings in our image, make them reflecting our nature
So they can be responsible fo=
r the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And yes, Earth its=
elf, and every animal that
r the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And yes, Earth its=
elf, and every animal that
moves on the face of the Eart=
God created human beings; he =
created them godlike, Reflecting God’s nature.he created them male and fema=
le. God blessed them:
created them godlike, Reflecting God’s nature.he created them male and fema=
le. God blessed them:
Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Eart=
h! Take charge!”
h! Take charge!”
How does that Word of God speak to you?
We must be Christ like in ever=
ything we do! We must take charge for God!
ything we do! We must take charge for God!
It was great having Dr. Steve=
with us!!!
with us!!!
Second taping with Jerry Chavez of the ARK organization s=
hares his tremendous testimony and all about this years Kingdom Awards airs=
on Sat March 2 on KAZQ CH 32 Great message from Jerry
hares his tremendous testimony and all about this years Kingdom Awards airs=
on Sat March 2 on KAZQ CH 32 Great message from Jerry
We touched on God’s =
Authority! As I sha=
red in the CUP yesterday! I pray all will adsorb and drink this CUP to the fu=
llest as we share this day! You see these pictures that I share with you….=
se smiles………they are smiles of our LORD! AMEN!
Authority! As I sha=
red in the CUP yesterday! I pray all will adsorb and drink this CUP to the fu=
llest as we share this day! You see these pictures that I share with you….=
se smiles………they are smiles of our LORD! AMEN!
The following =
by Ras and Bev Robinson really spoke to me today…..I pray the same for yo=
u and yours!
by Ras and Bev Robinson really spoke to me today…..I pray the same for yo=
u and yours!
February 22, 2013.&n=
bsp;Hold fast to your confident trust in the Lord. Your reward will be grea=
t. I am protecting you on all sides. Surely you do not think these blessing=
s that surround you are of your own making. You are not thinking that you a=
lone are hearing Me, are you? Those around you are listening to every word =
you say. They know there is great reward for following and walking with you=
. Did you put that desire in their hearts? No, and again, all things are of=
Me, through Me and to Me. This building you are erecting is not anchored i=
n sand, but rather in the Stone the builders rejected. I say unto you, only=
believe and then build what you see in your spirit. Keep your confidence h=
igh in Me. You are in a great day!
bsp;Hold fast to your confident trust in the Lord. Your reward will be grea=
t. I am protecting you on all sides. Surely you do not think these blessing=
s that surround you are of your own making. You are not thinking that you a=
lone are hearing Me, are you? Those around you are listening to every word =
you say. They know there is great reward for following and walking with you=
. Did you put that desire in their hearts? No, and again, all things are of=
Me, through Me and to Me. This building you are erecting is not anchored i=
n sand, but rather in the Stone the builders rejected. I say unto you, only=
believe and then build what you see in your spirit. Keep your confidence h=
igh in Me. You are in a great day!
Genesis 15:1 (NLT) “Some time lat=
er, the LORD spoke to Abram in a vision and said to him, “Do not be afraid,=
Abram, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great.” Hebrews 10:=
35 (NLT) “So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember t=
he great reward it brings you!” Ras Robinson
er, the LORD spoke to Abram in a vision and said to him, “Do not be afraid,=
Abram, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great.” Hebrews 10:=
35 (NLT) “So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember t=
he great reward it brings you!” Ras Robinson
Subscribe to “What the Lord Is Saying Today”
February 22, 2013.&n=
bsp;Put Me as your number one priority. I know there is a lot going on. I s=
ee your activities and how you help other people. I see you getting done al=
l you have to do. When you keep Me front and center of it all, one of the t=
hings I do is pare down anything that doesn’t need to be done. I cause you =
to walk wisely. When you hear and obey Me no matter what comes, you will be=
astounded at how everything else then falls into place. Living your life t=
he way I have designed for you is simple. It is not always easy, but it is =
always simple.
bsp;Put Me as your number one priority. I know there is a lot going on. I s=
ee your activities and how you help other people. I see you getting done al=
l you have to do. When you keep Me front and center of it all, one of the t=
hings I do is pare down anything that doesn’t need to be done. I cause you =
to walk wisely. When you hear and obey Me no matter what comes, you will be=
astounded at how everything else then falls into place. Living your life t=
he way I have designed for you is simple. It is not always easy, but it is =
always simple.
Romans 8:28-29 (NLT) “And we know=
that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love=
God and are called according to his purpose for them. For God knew hi=
s people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his =
Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters”Bev Robi=
that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love=
God and are called according to his purpose for them. For God knew hi=
s people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his =
Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters”Bev Robi=
We are very thankful to be ab=
le to have our TV and Radio Ministry! Our TV program air’s every Saturday a=
t 6pm on KAZQ CH 32 and our Radio program at Noon Mondays on KDAZ. Both pro=
grams are also streaming on the web. We are able to do this with God’s grac=
e and with your support. Will you please plant a seed into FGGAM this day? =
You can give on line at or mail your love offering to FGGAM P=
O BOX 65516 Albuquerque, NM 87193. Please call me at 505-681-0331 if you ha=
ve any questions. We are getting closer to financially stabilizing the ministry each month, we are just $1,=
500.00 away of monthly giving, each love offering get’s a closer.
le to have our TV and Radio Ministry! Our TV program air’s every Saturday a=
t 6pm on KAZQ CH 32 and our Radio program at Noon Mondays on KDAZ. Both pro=
grams are also streaming on the web. We are able to do this with God’s grac=
e and with your support. Will you please plant a seed into FGGAM this day? =
You can give on line at or mail your love offering to FGGAM P=
O BOX 65516 Albuquerque, NM 87193. Please call me at 505-681-0331 if you ha=
ve any questions. We are getting closer to financially stabilizing the ministry each month, we are just $1,=
500.00 away of monthly giving, each love offering get’s a closer.
We thank the n=
ew donor’s who are coming on board to FGGAM, they believe=
in the mission that the Lord has g=
iven us. Bringing the light of Jesus Christ to the world…one person at a time.
ew donor’s who are coming on board to FGGAM, they believe=
in the mission that the Lord has g=
iven us. Bringing the light of Jesus Christ to the world…one person at a time.
Happy Birthday to our d=
aughter Gretchen, born Feb 23rd 1987!!!! That was an AWESOME YEAR!!! Gretch=
en was born and the Twins won the World series! It also was my first full y=
ear in Christian Radio at WFRN!!!
aughter Gretchen, born Feb 23rd 1987!!!! That was an AWESOME YEAR!!! Gretch=
en was born and the Twins won the World series! It also was my first full y=
ear in Christian Radio at WFRN!!!
This Sunday I will be P=
reaching at Crestview Baptist Church in Albuquerque. If you do not have a h=
ome Church please join us!
reaching at Crestview Baptist Church in Albuquerque. If you do not have a h=
ome Church please join us!
Yesterday was a busy day with tapin=
g programs and counseling. I have to tell you, I started my day at 3:30am a=
nd was hungry when I was driving to the station at 7:30, even thou I had&nb=
sp;breakfast earlier! ! So I went through McDonalds and as I was about to pay for=
my sausage biscuit, the nice man said at the driv=
e thru window, ” The driver in front of you paid for your meal!!!! He does =
that all the time to people!” WOW! I weeped tears of joy! Then when I got t=
o the station someone had put a gift of money under my lap top! I have been=
taught by my Lord, that this is His favor! The Lord knows I am concerned a=
bout funding for the Ministry and He show me loud and clear yesterday He is=
with me and surrounding me with people to help and guide me. The other thi=
ng the Lord has been showing me over the last several weeks is that people =
are praying for you that you don’t even know!!! This is happening to me&nbs=
constantly. I have to tell you one of my favorite stories on=
this subject is that a few years ago while I was attending the National&nb=
sp;Religious Broadcasters =
, A Man was yelling at my name, DEWEY!, DEWEY! DEWEY! You could hear him all over! I wondered what was g=
oing on! I turned around and this young man was rapidly approaching&nb=
sp;me and gave me a BIG HUG and said I have been praying for you for years!=
It was Michael with Family Life Radio. he had interned at WFRN like 20 plu=
s years ago and said that I impacted his life so much and that he prayed fo=
r me everyday! I share this with you to show you that God is work=
ing on things for you and yours that you cannot see, you cannot imagine, He=
is working in your life through other people, some you don’t even know and=
will never know until you get to heaven! THIS IS NOT LUCK, IT IS OUR LORD!=
g programs and counseling. I have to tell you, I started my day at 3:30am a=
nd was hungry when I was driving to the station at 7:30, even thou I had&nb=
sp;breakfast earlier! ! So I went through McDonalds and as I was about to pay for=
my sausage biscuit, the nice man said at the driv=
e thru window, ” The driver in front of you paid for your meal!!!! He does =
that all the time to people!” WOW! I weeped tears of joy! Then when I got t=
o the station someone had put a gift of money under my lap top! I have been=
taught by my Lord, that this is His favor! The Lord knows I am concerned a=
bout funding for the Ministry and He show me loud and clear yesterday He is=
with me and surrounding me with people to help and guide me. The other thi=
ng the Lord has been showing me over the last several weeks is that people =
are praying for you that you don’t even know!!! This is happening to me&nbs=
constantly. I have to tell you one of my favorite stories on=
this subject is that a few years ago while I was attending the National&nb=
sp;Religious Broadcasters =
, A Man was yelling at my name, DEWEY!, DEWEY! DEWEY! You could hear him all over! I wondered what was g=
oing on! I turned around and this young man was rapidly approaching&nb=
sp;me and gave me a BIG HUG and said I have been praying for you for years!=
It was Michael with Family Life Radio. he had interned at WFRN like 20 plu=
s years ago and said that I impacted his life so much and that he prayed fo=
r me everyday! I share this with you to show you that God is work=
ing on things for you and yours that you cannot see, you cannot imagine, He=
is working in your life through other people, some you don’t even know and=
will never know until you get to heaven! THIS IS NOT LUCK, IT IS OUR LORD!=
God strategically places people in our li=
ves to help us. Picture a road map with white pins (Angels) placed at point=
s on your road map of life. Turn all over to God and ask Him to guide you t=
hrough this life! AMEN!
ves to help us. Picture a road map with white pins (Angels) placed at point=
s on your road map of life. Turn all over to God and ask Him to guide you t=
hrough this life! AMEN!
You truly have to be sensitive to the Hol=
y Spirit to pick up on God’s guidance in your life. You will hear=
God if you are truly sensitive to the Spirit.
y Spirit to pick up on God’s guidance in your life. You will hear=
God if you are truly sensitive to the Spirit.
Do not listen to the NOTHING NOISE of the=
So today as you go about your day………….liste=
n for God……….do not say or do anything unless you are moved by God.
n for God……….do not say or do anything unless you are moved by God.
This is a beautiful point in life to be. =
I have to say that I am at this point more than I ever have been, and I&nbs=
p;believe with my whole heart we are not totally at that point until w=
e are in heaven!
I have to say that I am at this point more than I ever have been, and I&nbs=
p;believe with my whole heart we are not totally at that point until w=
e are in heaven!
What a World we would live in if all were guided by God and His Word! =
Amen!!! That is called Heaven! AMEN!
Amen!!! That is called Heaven! AMEN!
For God’s Glory Alone in the =
Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family
Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family
us today!
. Be assured my friend=
s, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in =
His Holy Name.
us today! =
If you would like to support the muc=
h needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
ies, Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift. You can securely give =
;by clicking on this link- then scroll down the page=
to securely give through Pay=
. Be assured my friend=
s, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in =
His Holy Name.
Thank you,
Dewey Moede
If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to
If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at – we will take you off this email l=
ist asap
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at – we will take you off this email l=
ist asap