The Word of God calls the mind of a natural man “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4


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Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Thanks for coming by for a CUP! AMEN! PRAISE GOD!

I want to share w=
ith you that Ed Moore came through 
bsp;heart bypass in great shape PRAISE GOD!

Many of you know that my Pastor is Eddie B=
. I was able to have lunch with Eddie and his lovely wife Sandi yesterday .=
I love a Pastor that will 
 you, challen=
ge you, question you, encourage you, Preach to you! AMEN! More of that=
is needed by all Pastor’s! Eddie knows that just 12% of New Mexico has a C=
hurch and Pastor and he was encouraging me to push forward on our mission t=
hat the Lord has given us to reach all those that have no church or Pastor!=
I will also say this, A Pastor needs a Pastor! AMEN! We all need Godly acc=
encourage you to have a Pastor that you can have a personal relationship wit=
h. That you can have a cup of coffee with, lunch once in awh=
ile, if not with the Sr. Pastor one of the assistants. This is very im=
portant in the Body of Christ. Now I am going to date myself, but ther=
e was a time when you would have the Pastor over for dinner or fo=
r just a cup of coffee. God loves these kind of get togethers, they ma=
ke him so HAPPY! Some will say that is not possible in today’s ch=
urch, well then, that is a problem! 
Sharon is of=
f today teaching on compassion!=3D at the hospital! Please keep her in your=
Oh my the Lord is moving in so many ways h=
ere at FGGAM, I have lost count!!!! LOL LOL LOL! 
Alan Haw=
kins is one of my mento=
r’s that I got to know 
through my days at KKIM. I m=
iss him very much.  He is the Pastor of New Life City here in Albuquer=
que. We are going to meet soon. I follow Alan on facebook and grabbed these=
quotes from him………

You cannot fire a son. Love hurts but rem=
ember the only place safe from love’s hurt is hell. I would put quotes on i=
t because it is SOMETHING like what Papa Jack Taylor said but it ain’t perf=
ectly stated.

and this one………….

When you tell God to do anything he =
wants in your life all bets are off.

AMEN pastor Alan! Sharon and I are going through that righ=
t now!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!

The last two days here at the CUP we have talk=
ed about the life of Paul, about being a Barnabas for others, about being a=
fruit tree for the 
Kingdom and bearing fruit for God, =
about the favor of God, and having close relationship with our Lord Jesus C=

I want to share with you a story that is just =
the opposite of what I have been sharing to show you what happens when the =
mind of Christ is not present.

This story has bothered by spirit since I read=
it and then reported on it with Pastor Paul Holt on our radio pr=
ogram on KDAZ AM 730. It involves Parents, Teachers, Principals, =
Superintendents, Police, Judges, and Children.

A wrestler at Rio Grande High in Alb=
uquerque who had been scratched from this past weekend’s state&nb=
sp;wrestling tournament after being suspended and charged with battery=
and larceny of a fellow student was allowed to wrestle after his family we=
nt to court on his behalf and got the school’s ruling overturned!

This is just wrong! It get’s worse, County Com=
missioner Art De La Cruze called School Board member Analee Maestas, who th=
en called Supt. Winston Brooks. Brooks also got a call from State Senator M=
ichael Padilla questioning the school’s handling of the incident.=

The wrestler was suspended after taking $15.00=
from the victim and slapping him across the face and also knocking his lun=
ch tray to the floor.

It happened in the school’s caf=
eteria and witnessed by a Deputy Sheriff and other students.

Later the wrestler called the young boy and told him =
to tell authorities it was just horseplay. 

This wrestler went on to win the state tournam=
ent in his division.

Supt. Winston Brooks says enough is enoug=
h and is going back to the court to clear the air and get all in the o=

This is a prime example why  Public Schools ar=
e a mess and our society struggles! 

My goodness, this student should have remain s=
uspended. And the Politicians should have stayed out of it! The c=
ourts should not have been involved in the first place. 

This is the opposite of what we have been sharing h=
ere on the CUP. This is what happens when we do not have the minds of Chris=
t. When we are not grounded in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Too much of the world struggles on the “natural min=
d” The thinking process that is limited to human reason and resources.&nbsp=
;Human history shows that the natural mind becomes progressively&=
nbsp;self-destructive if left to it’s own desires. People who are dire=
cted by their natural minds walk in darkness and have incorrect thinking.&n=

“So I tell you this, in the futility of their&=
nbsp;thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and =
separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in the=
m due to the hardening of their hearts.” Eph 4:17,18

The Word of God calls the mind of a natural man “bl=
inded” 2 Cor. 4:4 “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim 6:5, and “unspiri=
tual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic  =
sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs it’s thoughts. Th=
e sinful mind is under control of satan.

This why we must share the light of Jesus Christ to=
one person at a time……..what I just shared with you is why so many of =
the folks in Washington struggle! 

Let us all be Christ like in all we do, to have the=
mind of Christ! Let us strive to be Salt and Light! 

Do not show an unbelieving world what it wants to see=

Now here is how GOOD SPORTS do it! on th=
is video……………………..

This is copied from Break=
ing Christian news which you may already read. Pastor Steve has entered a s=
eason of preaching on and awareness of the increasing persecution of Christ=
ians (and Martyrdom) that is going on throughout the world.
We need to be aware of this, and ask the Lord t=
o prepare our hearts for the days ahead. Our country has just begun to expe=
rience mild pressure against those who believe in Jesus as our Risen Savior=
. This will only increase as we continue to the end of the age.
Please read the letter and be in prayer for Pas=
tor Saeed. Jesus breaks all the chains!
Pastor Saeed’s Incredible Letter from Prison
Aimee Her=
d (Feb 26, 2013)
“I can clearly see what i=
s going on and because I want to serve God, I see all of these difficulties=
as golden opportunities and great doors to serve.” -Pastor Saeed Abedini
Those of us who live in countries whe=
re there is=E2=80=94for the most part=E2=80=94freedom of religion, often fi=
nd ourselves preoccupied by our “own little world” and the problems that ca=
n seem to loom large and fill our entire vision.
But, for most of us, it’s as the writ=
er of Hebrews says in chapter 12; “You have not yet resi=
sted to bloodshed, striving against sin.”
Sometimes it’s good to get a reminder=
what is truly important in this life, and what standing firm in our faith =
in Jesus Christ really means.
A moving example =
of this is provided by our brother-in-chains=E2=80=94Pastor Saeed Abedini=
=E2=80=94in a letter written by him from the depths of one of Iran’s most b=
rutal prisons. Saeed, an American pastor, was recently sentenced to 8 years=
in this place for his Christian faith, while his wife and children, the AC=
LJ and Believers everywhere pray and work to see him released. 
(Photo: Saeed and family/NY Daily News=
This letter reveals such courage and =
strength that can only come from the Spirit of the Living God. And I’m remi=
nded of Jesus’ words, which I pray will continue to help this precious brot=
her to stand firm for his Savior and King:
“Blessed are those who are persecuted=
for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are =
you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against y=
ou falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your =
reward in Heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”=
(Matthew 5:10-11)
Please continue to pray for Pastor Sa=
Writing from my heart.
My Dear Friends,
The conditions here get so very d=
ifficult that my eyes get blurry, my body does not have the strength to wal=
k, and my steps become very weak and shaky.
Various (bullying) groups, the ps=
ychological warfare, a year of not seeing my family, physical violence, act=
ions committed to humiliate me, insults, being mocked, being confronted wit=
h extremists in the prison who create another prison within the prison wall=
s, and the death threats . . .
It is interesting that because I =
am a Christian pastor, I am carefully watched. I am expected to smile at th=
em despite what is being done and to understand why they are doing all of t=
hese things. But, of course, I can clearly see what is going on and because=
I want to serve God, I see all of these difficulties as golden opportuniti=
es and great doors to serve. There are empty containers who are thirsty for=
a taste of the Living Water and we can quench their thirst by giving them =
Jesus Christ. Maybe you are also in such a situation, so pray and seek God =
that He would use you and direct you in the pressures and difficulties of y=
our lives.
There are those who are enemies o=
f the Living Bible and do not want to hear. They are trying to put me under=
such horrific pressures (that are sometimes unbearable) so that they can s=
how me that my faith is empty and not real. And after all of these pressure=
s, after all of the nails they have pressed against my hands and feet, they=
are only waiting for one thing=E2=80=A6for me to deny Christ. But they wil=
l never get this from me. This is why the Bible is Truth and they are in th=
e way of destruction.
There is another group who does n=
ot know the Gospel of Truth. Instead of truly listening and meditating on G=
od’s Word, they are just waiting to see how I react to all of their pressur=
es and persecution. What will come out of me during these intense times? Bu=
t again, this is another golden opportunity for me to shine the light of Ch=
rist in this dark world and to let God to use me.

Yesterday when I was singing worship songs, the head of my cell room attack=
ed me in order to stop me from praising but in response I hugged him and sh=
owed him love. He was shocked.

It is during these harsh conditio=
ns, that I deeply need God’s Saving Grace so that I can be the fragrant sce=
nt of Christ in the dark house of Evin prison. I have often seen the Shinin=
g Morning Star in the darkness of this prison and I have seen His amazing a=
nd supernatural works. Oh, how beautiful is seeing the light of the Shining=
Morning Star of Christ in such evil darkness.
See your golden opportunities in =
pressures and difficulties.
See the Shining Morning Star in t=
he dark times of your life.
I Love Him! He is Gracious, Merci=
ful, and Righteous to me. I now know that I have not been forgotten and tha=
t we are together in this path. God gives me Grace.

This is my message for the Church=
: Stay Strong for His Glory. He will come back soon! Be with God and give y=
our best efforts for His kingdom.
Pastor Saeed, servant of Jesus Ch=
rist in chains for endurance of Gospel. I love you all.

Rene thanks for sharing this!

I am seeing a lot of PR in the 
secular media about thus upcoming TV event………….

Hello Everyone,
Finally some decent telev=
ision coming to a set near you. This mini-series does not begin until March=
3rd but this will give all of us a chance to tell as many people as possib=
le about this series. Let’s use this series to reach as many people as poss=
The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour televisio=
n mini-series premiering March 3, 2013 on the History Channel from Emmy Awa=
rd winning husband and wife team, Mark Burnett and Roma Downey. For two hou=
rs each Sunday night millions of viewers will see the Bible come to life in=
a way never before seen.The final episode of the series will air on Eas=
ter Sunday
 and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus. T=
o help insure the accuracy of the miniseries, many Christian scholars serve=
d as advisors and hundreds of Christian leaders have given their endorsemen=
t. – (Outreach Magazine) “It is also a project close to Mr. Burnett’s heart=
. In the past couple of years the 52-year-old former paratrooper says he ha=
s become deeply religious, a transition he credits to Roma Downey, his wife=
since 2007. “It wasn’t until I met Roma that I truly understood my faith a=
nd it’s been a dynamic shift for me,” Mr. Burnett said. =E2=80=93Wall Street Journal “Famed television producer Mark Burnett tackles his=
projects with passion, but The Bible is a special labor o=
f love.  The 10-hour, five-part docudrama, which premieres March 3 on =
the History Channel, will span the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, presen=
ting some of its best-known stories, including Noah’s Ark, the Exodus, Dani=
el in the lions’ den and the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. 
Former Touched By an=
star Roma Downey, Burnett’s wife and fellow executive produ=
cer, heads a large international cast in the role of Mother Mary. Keith Dav=
id, an Emmy winner for voice-over performances, will narrate with a musical=
score by Oscar- and Grammy-winning composer Hans Zimmer.  “In terms o=
f importance, nothing we’ve ever done, not Touched By an Angel,=
notSurvivor, not The Voice, not The Apprentice, none of this could possibly compare to The Bible,” Burnett=
says. “To us, as a family, we love the Bible. This is not a TV show to us.=
It’s images and sound and sacred text that people will still watch, way af=
ter our grandchildren are old people.”  Since the entire Bible can’t b=
e covered in 10 hours, the miniseries, which was filmed in Morocco, focuses=
on a select group of stories and features such compelling figures as Abrah=
am, Moses and David. Some stories had to be compressed for artistic purpose=
s.  “In the end, what we’ve done is a meta-narrative, a grand narrativ=
e of emotionally connected stories. We know we’re not qualified to teach th=
e Bible. We’re qualified to be good television producers and storytellers. =
By telling these emotionally connected, big stories, hopefully millions of =
people will reopen their Bibles,” Burnett says. 
Downey came up with the id=
ea for the miniseries a few years ago. “It is our obligation to tell the st=
ories as written,” he says. “The stories are so brilliant and compelling.”&=
nbsp; The project will have broad appeal, he says. “If you know the Bible, =
you’ll enjoy seeing the stories come to life. If you’ve never read the Bibl=
e, I think you’ll love the stories,” he says. “There’s a reason the Bible i=
s the most widely read book in the world.” – USA Today

For God’=
s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family=

Visit us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. Be assured my friends, your gift will =
of the greatest help in furt=
the ministry work the Lo=
rd has laid up
on us to carry out in&=
His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

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