You are loved, your a treasure, you are precious in our Lord AMEN!


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Dear Family of our =
Lord Jesus Christ,

Happy Valentines Da=
y!! Happy Birthday to my brother Dave  in Windom, Minn.!

You all are Preci=
 to us………we&nbsp=
treasure our relationship with each =
and everyone of you! AMEN! I mentioned the other day on TV two words that w=
e do not use enough are 
precious and treasure .I hear more about 

precious metals than I do about precious people. We can turn this world upside down for Jesus Christ by=
showing people they are a treasure and they are 
precious in ou=
r Lord. AMEN! 

Yes, the Lord did save my life on Tuesday! He=
stopped me from being creamed by the big cargo van! Thank you all for ackn=
owledging the works of our Lord.

February 14, 2013.&n=
bsp;This is a day to express love to those you love. Do the things you said=
and did at first when you initially fell in love. Remember those things to=
day and dwell on them. Rekindle the flames in your heart. The Lord says, “D=
aily, My love for you is like a first love. You are so very special to Me. =
There is none like you in the whole earth. I chose you because I wanted you=
so badly. You are one of a kind, the very apple of My eye. Never doubt My =
love because it will not and cannot ever change. You are My chosen one for =
eternity. Come, dance with Me. Let us love each other as with a first love.=
1 John 3:21-22 (NASB) “Beloved, if=
our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God; and whatever=
we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do the th=
ings that are pleasing in His sight.” Ras Robinson

Life is precious, life is=
a treasure in our Lord!

Let us show the love for people that Mother Teresa did! AMEN! =

The following is a great story out of my Hometown newspaper, the W=
indom Citizen It’s a=
great story of love! It’s a great story of small town living and the impor=
tance of knowing your neighbors and CPR! AMEN! 

Jeffers man saves life of snowblowing neighbor

In 1985, 7,200 volts of electricity surged through the body of Curt=
Carter of Jeffers while he was working on power lines along County Road 13=
for South Central Electric.

His partner, Kim Hansen, rescued Carter from the bucket in which he was wor=
king and began administering CPR until an ambulance arrived.

Carter spent time in a St. Paul burn center, but made a full recovery.

He is forever grateful to Hansen for saving his life.

However, little did Carter know that almost three decades later he would pa=
ss along the same life-saving deed.

On a cold, snowy Dec. 21 morning in Jeffers, the 78-year-old Carter was blo=
wing out a neighbor’s driveway. Just across the street, another neighbor, 8=
3-year-old Milford Sinnamon, a retired 38-year veteran of The Toro Company =
in Windom, was blowing out the walkway of his neighbor.

“Curt’s pretty much like me. These neighbors are all ladies who have lost t=
heir husbands and they need somebody to help them out,” Milford says, expla=
ining why two elderly men were blowing snow.

Meanwhile, Milford’s wife, Ruth had just finished several tasks around the =
house and thought she should check to see if her husband needed some help a=
t their neighbor’s.

“So, I picked up my snow shovel and walked across the street,” Ruth says. “=
I didn’t see him, so I thought, ‘He must be in the house, having coffee wit=
h Minnie (Elsing, their neighbor).’ But his snow blower was up against the =
steps still running, and I thought, ‘That’s strange.’=E2=80=89=E2=80=89”

When she went to check on him, she found Milford laying on the sidewalk, hi=
s eyes rolled back in his head and not breathing. 

He was suffering a massive cardiac arrest.

Minnie then came to the door and Ruth asked her to call the ambulance.

“But across the street was my angel,” Ruth says.

Carter to the rescue

Ruth waved her arms and hollered across the street to Carter, who was blowi=
ng out his neighbor’s driveway.

“I had just shut off the snow blower to pile up the snow so I could finish =
blowing, otherwise I never would have seen nor heard Ruth,” Curt says, noti=
ng that at first he thought it was kids hollering.

Curt was an EMT many years ago and also maintained CPR certification during=
his 33 years with South Central Electric. Until the morning of Dec. 21, he=
had never had to use that training.

He ran to Ruth’s and Milford’s aid and knew when he got there he would need=
to start CPR. However, he admits it had been years since he had administer=
ed the lifesaving procedure and wasn’t sure he would remember the protocol.=

But it apparently was like riding a bike.

“It came right back,” Curt says.

For the next 20 to 25 minutes he did CPR on Milford awaiting the arrival of=
Jeffers’ First Responders, who had been delayed.

But when they arrived, Curt, who was physically spent, turned over duties t=
o the First Responders, who rushed him to Windom. Milford was then airlifte=
d to Sanford Heart Hospital in Sioux Falls.

“It was a long time,” Curt says with a sigh of relief. “But I had made up m=
y mind, ‘I’m not quitting until the ambulance gets here and takes him away.=
‘ That was the way it was going to be.”

And what did Curt do when his 25 minutes of lifesaving were completed?

“I finished up at the neighbor blowing out her driveway, then I came home a=
nd said to Gerry, ‘You know, I brought Slim (Milford’s nickname) back,” Cur=
t recalls. “Then I had coffee and finished blowing the snow.”

All in a morning’s work.


Many of you =
are loving the video’s we are posting here on the CUP, they come from the V=
alentine of of my life Sharon as she uses these video’s in her presentation=
s to speak the love of Jesus into the lives of others! Watch this one……=


Yesterday was tal=
king to a Dear friend who was sharing his testimony with me, his =
life verse is Psalm 107: 17-22

Some became fools through

their rebellious ways

and suffered afflictions

because of their iniquities.

They loathed all food

and drew near the gates of


Then they cried out to the Lord

in their trouble,

and he saved them from 

their distress.

He sent forth his word and

healed them;

he rescued them from the grace.

Let them give thanks to the

Lord for his unfailing love

and his wonderful deeds 

for men.

Let them sacrifice thank


and tell of his works with 

songs of joy.


My friend is fired up in Jesus and spreads the joy =
of the Lord all over! AMEN! 

I think all of us at one time or another have been =
fools………we have had foolish moments……….We all have cried out fo=
r the Lord……….and He saved us……………He rescued us…………=
.He healed us………….each day let us give thanks to the Lord for all H=
e had done for us and is doing for us! Let us give thank offerings………=
..Let us tell of his works with songs of joy!…..with our testimonial=
s!!! AMEN!

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of o=
ur Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
 then scroll down the page to securely give =

. B=
e assured my friends, your gift&nbs=
p;will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry =
out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
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