And Jesus said to the


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ear Family of our L=
ord Jesus Christ,

Thanks for coming by for a CUP!&nbs=

I just love =
that! I find myself doing that more and more, just stopping what I am doing=
and look to the sky and say, WOW! LORD! WOW! Thank YOU! 
C. S. Lewis

“It was in God=E2=80=99s hands. One must be content to leave it ther=
e. One must have Faith.”

What I am finding more and more when you make y=
ourself available to God He will use you in ways that you never&n=
dreamed. God sent me to many people ye=
sterday in person and by phone! I thought to myself yesterday what would ha=
ve happened if I would not have made myself available t=
o God? 

What would have happened to all these=

This is now my life in Jesus Christ!

I was in bed by 7pm!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL! 

God brought me to FGGAM to walk and drive the s=
treets for Him and also use the Radio, TV, and internet. On Tuesday, PRAISE=
GOD we had a record amount of hits to the FGGAM web site.  God has told us that this site must be=
a site of news His people need to know and for encouragement in your walk =
with Jesus Christ.

What would happen to this world&=
nbsp;if more of us would make ourselves available to the World fo=
r God?

We would turn this world upside down for Jesus =
Christ, that is what would happen.

Everywhere I go now For God’s Glory Alone, I gi=
ve  all the love of Jesus! 

Like yesterday, the young soldier eating at The=
Grill, he was wide eyed when I told him that the Lord had given me a few w=
ords for him..Don’t give in, don’t compromise, and I prayed over him! =
He was very joyful with our short visit. 

The Lord brought to me two lovely ladies from=
the Fresno, Calf. area yesterday by phone, and I brought them =
together by phone! The Lord had told me, bring these two ladies together so=
they can pray for each other. Thank YOU LORD!

We are to pray over each other and share the lo=
ve of Jesus Christ.

Do not be bashful to share the love and message=
of Jesus Christ! AMEN! 

My dream is I am walking through the =
Grocery store and all I see is people praying over each other!!!!=

Now that’s REVIVAL! 

I am going to tell you again, I have had nobody=
back away from me when I pray over them and love on them! 

When you are filled with the Holy Spirit and yo=
ur light shines brightly, people melt. It is an amazing thing of God! For G=
od’s Glory Alone!

Let us walk for Jesus………let us make ourselves available to the King of Kings! AMEN PTL!

Photo: =C2=A9 Iakov Kalinin –

And Jesus said to them, =E2=80=98Follow Me, and I w=
ill make you fishers of men.=E2=80=99 (Mark 1:17)

When Jesus spo=
ke these words to Simon and Andrew, He essentially made it clear that it wa=
sn=E2=80=99t His desire to conform His message to their lifestyle, but to i=
nstruct them to adjust their lives to His message. He didn=E2=80=99t promis=
e them worldly riches, but assured them that their lives would be enriched =
with power to be useful to God in ways they couldn=E2=80=99t be without fol=
lowing Him. Thus, Jesus taught them that life isn=E2=80=99t about seeking t=
o fulfill selfish pursuits; it=E2=80=99s about making ourselves fully avail=
able to God=E2=80=94to be used according to His purposes for us.
When Simon and=
Andrew were called by Jesus, they didn=E2=80=99t know Him personally, yet =
they knew enough to realize that He had something they were in desperate ne=
ed of. Most people would be reluctant to follow someone they knew so little=
about, but these men didn=E2=80=99t hesitate to go with Jesus. They were w=
illing to walk away from everything in order to be with Him. Nothing was mo=
re important to them at that moment than to obey Jesus=E2=80=99 voice. Henc=
e, they followed Him =E2=80=9Cimmediately=E2=80=9D (v.18).
We must be wil=
ling to respond to Jesus in the same way. Nothing should take His place in =
our lives. Nothing should be regarded as more important than doing what He =
says. We must cling to Jesus=E2=80=99 words like glue.
Let us come =
together at the prayer wall and now pray…………
Prayer Wall

James 5:14-15 Is anyone among you sic=
k? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, a=
nointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will=
save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has co=
mmitted sins, he will be forgiven. The prayer of a righteous person has gre=
at power as it is working.
Need a special pra=
yer for wife precious wife Sandy please. She’s been=20
fighting desperately with fybromyalga and COPD since being poisoned by=20
an antibiotic she’d never taken before a couple years ago and was=20
bedridden for over 6 months. Last week we made a trip to the E.R. for a=20
copd flaire-up and has been getting worse since. This morning she was=20
diagnosed with pneumonia. She is home and resting but on even more=20
antibiotics and steroids and now has to use a nubulizer in addition to=20
being on constant oxygen. If everyone could spare a second and ask for=20
God’s help it would be greatly appreciated. She’s the most precious=20
thing that has ever happened to me and I need all the help I can get. =20
You are blessed and I thank you ALL !!!
Rick Stambuagh in Albuqu=
We are praying for healing Rick!Pray for Sam in Fresno who is in extre=
me pain.
We are praying=
for healing Sam!
Pray =
for Robin White in Fresno who also is in much pain and her Doctor called to=
tell her they have misdiagnosed her.
We are praying for healing Robin!Please for Phil and his business in Albuquerque.We are praying Phil!We have more pray needs p=
osted on the prayer wall at Please go th=
ere at least once a day and pray for all those in need! AMEN!
March 20, 2013. The Lord says, “It is I who has made you righteous.” You never need to off=
er proof of your righteousness because your heart and soul are full of it. =
You wear it like a winter coat on a cold and windy day. This is so that whe=
n the dark clouds of accusation come rolling in on you, you can honestly sa=
y, “I am a person of integrity because I bear within the essence of my Fath=
er wherever I go.” The amazing fruit of such righteousness is that your chi=
ldren will follow in your steps. This alone is motivation enough to bring y=
our integrity into all situations you face. Daily walk it out.
Proverbs 20:7 (NASB) “A righteous=
man who walks in his integrity – how blessed are his sons after him.”&nbsp=
;Ras Robinson

Pastor Leonard Navarre se=
nt this excellent article in…………

Has the New Age Movement
infiltrated your church?
By Nathan Jones
Evangelist & Web Minister
Dr. David Reagan and I were delighted to have as our guest on this week’s&n=
bsp;Christ in Prophecy Warren Smith, the author of the book The Light That Was Dark. This fasci=
nating book tells Warren’s touching story of how, in his search for a Savio=
r, he got sidetracked into the occultic darkness of the New Age Movement. F=
rom his many years of experience under that influence, Warren now has dedic=
ated his life to warning Christians about the dangers of the New Age and he=
lp us recognize how we can avoid these satanic influences from creeping int=
o our churches.

Basic Characteristics

Dr. Reagan: Warren, tell us, what are some of the basic charact=
eristics of the New Age Movement?

Warren Smith: In 2 Corinthians 11, the Apostle Paul talks about=
the simplicity in Christ. There is a simplicity in deception as well. So,=
it’s really important that people don’t get confused.

There are so many different aspects of the deception of the New Age, what i=
s now being called the New Spirituality, and even the New Worldview. New Wo=
rld Religion was the phrase used for a while, but a New Worldview is easier=
for people to remember.

Christians are b=
eing guided into this New Worldview thinking they will help the world come =
to peace.
 But, remember that in Daniel 8 we are told that the A=
ntichrist is going to have a wonderful deception. He literally will destroy=
“wonderfully,” for by peace he shall destroy many.

All these deceptive end times teachings are heading up to where the world i=
s going to be told to get in line, and “atonement” will be a word that will=
be used. But, those of us who were in the New Age understand that it is “a=
t-one-ment”, not atonement, so much as “at-one-ment.” In other words, the N=
ew Age teaches that we are all one because God is in everyone and everythin=
g. And, when we recognize our oneness, we can all come together and help ac=
hieve world peace. Some Christian leaders are even buying into this by having material=
s that bring this oneness and this god-in-everything teaching into the Chur=

Dr. Reagan: Let’s dwell a little bit longer here on the fundame=
ntal characteristics of the Movement. You boiled it all down to that the fu=
ndamental teaching of the New Age is God that He is in everything and is in=
us. That’s what Shirley MacLaine was doing when she stood on the seashore =
and yelled, “I am god, I am god, I am god!”

Warren Smith: She was the one who put that teaching forward bac=
k in 1987 on television. She may have become the butt of late night jokes, =
like in David Letterman’s jokes, but she’s the one primarily responsible fo=
r outing that teaching and getting the conversation going. That’s the big w=
ord these days =E2=80=94 conversation. “Let’s have a conversation,” which r=
eally means, “Let’s see what we can do to compromise. Let’s get it all on t=
he table and see what we can come up with.” That’s the idea that we can all=
move forward.

The year Shirley MacLaine started off teaching that we are all gods, that w=
as in 1987, and that was the same year that Marilyn Ferguson the author of&=
nbsp;The Aquarian Conspiracy was on the Oprah Winfrey Show, on =
an episode entitled “The New Age Movement.” Back in 1980, Marilyn Ferguson =
wrote her book The Aquarian Conspiracy and in that book sh=
e said that basically we have a great idea, a great heretical idea, of God within and =
God is in everything.
 She said basically, “We are not going to =
be able to pull this off right away, but over time if it is widely publiciz=
ed we will be able to have our way.” I mean, it was an outrageous thing to =

Actually, a lot of New Age leaders today are very upset that Ferguson used =
the word “conspiracy” in the title of her book, because it actually plays i=
nto the reality that there truly is a conspiracy, and the conspiracy is to =
get this great heretical idea that God indwells His creation and that God i=
s in everyone and everything. She was trying to be cute.

The Shack

Nathan Jones: For awhile there, almost every church was preachi=
ng from and every Christian bookstore was carrying The Shack.

Warren Smith: The Shack was a very popular book, no=
t only in the Christian world, but it was actually at the top of the New Ag=
e bestseller list as well.

People will claim, “Well, but Jesus is in there.” But, what a lot of people=
don’t understand is that from what I think was on page 112, the Jesus of&n=
bsp;The Shack said, “God who is the ground of all being dwells =
in and around and through all things.” Then, if you look carefully at the b=
ook when the word “Creation” is brought up, a capital “C” is used. Those of=
us from the New Age know that when you see creation with a capital “C”, it=
means that God indwells His creation.

Dr. Reagan: That is very different from what the Bible teaches.=
God is not indwelling His creation, right?

Warren Smith: No. Psalm 39:5 tells us, “Verily, every m=
an at his best state is altogether vanity.”
 Or, in John 2:24-25, J=
esus said referring to Jesus, “He did not commit himself to men bec=
ause he knew what was in men.”
 Now, why would that be said if God =
is in man? Why wouldn’t He be emphasizing that? Instead, Jesus was actually=
saying to the effect, “Watch out! Men amongst themselves can be very dange=
rous.” That is what Jesus was teaching. So, no, God is not within each person.

Deceptive Teachers

Dr. Reagan: Oprah Winfrey, she has been sort of a high priestes=
s of this whole New Age Movement, with one New Age writer and speaker after=
another being paraded on her program. Would you quickly mention some other=
New Age names from the secular world that people might recognize that they=
should be aware of?

Warren Smith: Sure. Oprah had M. Scott Peck on her program back=
in the early 90’s. A lot of people don’t realize, though Scott Peck descri=
bed himself as a Christian, he is really more of kind of like an emerging c=
ontemplative New Age Christian, because in his book he said, “God is within=
everybody.” He actually laid out a plan when he said, “We’re in crisis!” T=
hat’s also what The Aquarian Conspiracysaid to the effect, “We =
are in crisis and we need to have a new way of looking at things. We need a=
new worldview.”

What Peck b=
asically said was, “Our salvation lies in community.” He didn’t say “in Jes=
us Christ,” but in community.
 He said that due to the duress of=
these times, we need to change some of our rules; and yes, that includes t=
he Church. So, he too was introducing this idea of God-in-all.

I wrote an article years ago about M. Scott Peck and the Community of the C=
osmic Christ. Starting off the article, there was a big quote by Peck sayin=
g that the mystical prophet who is bringing forth this idea of sort of a qu=
antum leap into a new level of understanding was the Catholic Jesuit priest=
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. He was the father of the New Age Movement. The=
titleThe Aquarian Conspiracy was taken by Chardin. Chardin sai=
d, “This soul must be a conspiracy of individuals.” And Chardin’s teachings=
are simply this =E2=80=94 that God is in every atom.

Nathan Jones: That rather sounds like Star Wars which is panthe=
ism, right?

Warren Smith: May the force be with you! Yes, this force is God=
penetrating His creation, but that He comes in various ways.

Other New Age teachers are Deepak Chopra, Betty Eadie and Shirley MacLaine.=

Dr. Oz

Warren Smith: Mehmet Oz, of the Dr. Oz fame, was for five years=
featured on Oprah Winfrey. Now he has his own program. Dr. Oz is probably one of the =
more dangerous, and I say that carefully, occultists out there.
;He has endorsed a book by a psychic by the name of Ainslie MacLeod. The bo=
ok is called The Instruction. Dr. Oz has a front cover endorsem=
ent. In that book the psychic refers to spirit guides 175 times, with 40 be=
fore you get to chapter one. He talks about past lives. He encourages the r=
eader to get into meditation and to contact their spirit guides.

Dr. Oz has also =
brought forward transcendental meditation,
which Oz says he does. Thi=
s is known as reiki, which is a very dangerous sort of body treatment that =
includes spirit guides. The reiki practitioners make it very clear that spi=
rit guides are involved in that process.

Dr. Reagan: But these people are so nice, loving, and so smooth=

Warren Smith: In my days when I was a social worker and also in=
the New Age, some people thought I was kind of nice. But, as you know, nic=
eness doesn’t have much to do with it. We have some pastors out there who seem pretty =
nice, but they are bringing a lot of this New Age teaching into their churc=

Dr. Reagan: In fact, the Antichrist is going to be very nice.

Warren Smith: Back to Dr. Oz, he teaches New Age through holist=
ic health. One well known pastor actually said that if you try to change yo=
ur diet you’ll have to be careful, because you could end up changing your w=
orldview. That very well could happen. With Dr. Oz, one well known Christia=
n pastor has actually brought him into his church to teach his congregation=
how to be healthy!

Lord Maitreya

Nathan Jones: Speaking of the Antichrist, you always hear in th=
e New Age Movement of this Lord Maitreya. Can you explain a little to me if=
he is supposed to be the Antichrist, or as New Agers believe, he is the Me=
ssiah of the New Age Movement?

Warren Smith: Benjamin Creme was like Maitreya’s John the Bapti=
st. In 1982, there was a full page ad in newspapers all around the world sa=
ying, “The Christ is here, and he is waiting to be called forth.” Benjamin =
Creme was on coast to coast radio probably four or five times over the last=
decade saying the very same thing. He was saying that Maitreya is still wa=
iting to be called forth. A lot of people have just dismissed it as a bad j=

What I show in my book is that what Maitreya teaches is absolutely consiste=
nt with A Course in Miracles, with New Age Leader Barbara Marx =
Hubbard’s teachings, with Neale Donald Walsch’sConversations With God, and with everything that Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra and Dr. Oz are tea=

It’s all the same bottom line =E2=80=94 New Age teachings.

Watch the full intervie=
w with Warren Smith!

For God’s Glory Alone in t=
he Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
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. B=
e assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

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