Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Welcome to Thursday’s CUP! What do you have planned for tonight?
I ask because if you are free, come to Valley View Christian Church in Edgewood tonight at 7pm for Bible Study on Integrity, I will be leading the group tonight, filling in for Pastor Leonard.
I love those words of C.S. Lewis, the Lord sent me to them today as I was preparing the CUP. The Lord has called me to be a MEGAPHONE for HIM to rouse a deaf world! God show’s me everyday why He called me into full-time Ministry. That deaf world also includes too many that belong to the Church.
Sharon and I thank all of you who are standing in the gap with us here at FGGAM!
I am going to share with you on Integrity this morning.
Proverbs 2:6-8 For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of his saints.
I love this write up by Larry Davies, not only because it is solid, but he refers to the Great Wall in China where my Dad served for awhile during WWII. I also say the greatest enemy we face, is ourselves! I keep hearing these Politicians and some others always calling for ethic’s reform, NO! We have more law’s on the books than Wal-Mart has product, we need hearts changed for the Lord. I used to say more than Carter has liver pill’s, but it’s getting where nobody alive remembers Carter’s liver pills!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL
by: Larry Davies | Nov 7, 2010
The ancient Chinese built the “Great Wall” which stretches for several thousand miles, to ensure their security from foreign invaders. Yet during the first hundred years after the wall was completed, China was successfully invaded three times, not by going over the wall or tearing it down, but by bribing the guards and simply marching through the gates. China spent years building the “Great Wall” but didn’t spend enough time building the character of the gatekeepers.
America is the strongest country in the world today… by far. There is no equal, militarily or economically. The communist threat has disappeared so whom do we have to fear? The answer: ourselves! I received a joke giving the root definition for politics: “poli” which is Latin for many and “tics” which are blood-sucking creatures. Put it together and what do you have? Ouch!
Wall Street has been filled with cases of insider trading and even religious leaders have been involved in sex scandals and misappropriation of church funds. All of these instances serve as examples of serious erosion of our integrity.
David wrote Psalm 15 to help us set strong standards that would define our integrity as people of God. First he asks the question: Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? In other words, “What kind of individual has an intimate relationship with God? What standards does God expect of us?”
1. Those who lead blameless lives… Do we live out what we believe? Do we walk and speak with integrity?
2. …and do what is right… This involves our day to day habits and choices in life.
3. …speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Do we really mean what we say?
4. Those who refuse to slander others… You cannot claim to love your neighbor while spreading gossip and rumors behind their backs.
5. …or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends… We avoid being judgmental and treat people with respect.
6. Those who despise persistent sinners… It may be good to witness to the wrong crowd, but it’s dangerous to run around with them. Who is influencing whom?
7. …and honor the faithful followers of the Lord… We often become like the people we hang with so we should spend our time wisely with those who can help strengthen our faith.
8. …and keep their promises even when it hurts. We do what we say, even when it is not in our best interest. The baseball player, Ted Williams, is famous for voluntarily cutting his salary after a bad year. It’s been over thirty years and people still talk about it. That’s integrity.
9. Those who do not charge interest on the money they lend… This is not about banks or business but how you help a friend in need: generously and unselfishly.
10. …and who refuse to accept a bribe to testify against the innocent. We have positions of trust. We do not accept favors to corrupt our conduct…ever.
Ten standards to guide our Godly integrity. Can you possibly do all of them? Of course not! That is why you and I need God and why we need to be in church. We do our best and trust in God for the rest. Psalm 15 ends with this promise: “Such people will stand firm forever.”
A preacher once gave a sermon on honesty. The next day, she took the bus into town and after taking a seat noticed she was given too much change. She tried to convince herself that the extra money was a gift from God but knew better. Before getting off the bus she handed the driver the extra money and said: “You made a mistake and gave me too much change?”
“That was no mistake,” said the driver with a smile. “I was in your church yesterday and heard your sermon on honesty. So this morning, I gave you a little test!”
People are watching. What will they see in you?
Looking at number 9 makes me think of the time when someone was in great need and a Christian brother sent them to another Christian brother here in Albuquerque and that “brother” wanted to charge the person in need 50% interest!!!!!!!!! Yes that is the truth!
I Preach on Integrity a lot, and I love this: Integrity makes decisions based on eternal implications.
Look around you and see the messes many are in, many times it is because of lack of faith in God, making decisions in the moment, not taking it to God and listening to Him for an answer, not taking it to your accountability group for their thoughts, dealing with ungodly people, not basing your decision on eternal implications.
I have made my share of bad decisions. You can say I have learned the hard way in much, some call that the School of hard knocks!
I also have learned that God carries us through these challenges BIG and small. But only if we come to trust Him and repent of our sins.
Yesterday I was faced with an integrity issue and I wanted to make sure I was on the right track, I prayed, I talked with Sharon, Pastor’s Paul Holt, Leonard Navarre and Brenton Franks. They all assured me I was on the right track, but I am still praying about it and waiting on the Lord. I have to say, many will say this is a small matter, because in many ways it is, but what I have learned is that their is no small matter when it comes to integrity.
The Lord offers us all discernment, and with Godly discernment you will be guided into what is right and you will know when the matter is settled in the way God wants it settled.
Two men that have set such a Godly example of Integrity in my life our David Standridge and Tom Johnson. They are a bright light for us all. These two men have been a huge part of my growth in Jesus Christ.
I share that with you to honor the work God has done in the life of David and Tom and to give thanks to the Lord for men like them. We all need Brothers and Sisters in our life that are mentor’s to us. I am blessed with many.
Your integrity is made stronger or weaker by those who you surround yourself with.
That is why I have Preached and taught for years on having Godly mentor’s!
Make God the center of all your decisions.
That is why I have Preached and taught for years on getting up at 4am and spending an hour with HIM and HIS Word! A minimum of an hour a day!!!!
Why do Preachers, and other Church leaders get themselves in trouble? Why do Politicians get in trouble? Policeman? Teachers? all of us?
Many times it is EGO, Edging God Out! Thinking that we are bigger than God.
You can probably trace most of our problems in the world to that!
We cannot continue to fully acquire Christlike virtues until we first make GODLY integrity the GRANITE FOUNDATION of our lives. In some cases this may require us to go through the painful process of ripping out the existing foundation built upon deceit and replacing it stone by stone with a foundation of integrity.
Job 2:3 And the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil? He still holds fast his integrity, although you incited me against him to destroy him without reason.”
”I do not care to what church you belong, or what creed you are ready to die for, you do not know the Truth of God unless the Person of Christ is dear to you!”
Let us go into prayer………….remember we have all prayer needs posted at ;
Dearest Friend Dewey…
You may recall I wrote you about my dear sister in law’s grandmother (and namesake), Margarita Vasquez, who lives in Tucson, along with the rest of my family. Granny Margarita suffered a stroke back in November and, bless her heart, this formerly fiercely independent lady has been greatly disabled since then and unable to live on her own, not to mention needing oxygen.
As you can imagine, it’s been a struggle for Margarita since that time and as of the last couple of days, the time approaches that she should go home to rest the loving arms of our Holy Father. We enjoyed a nice visit my family in Tucson this past weekend and heard of her deteriorating condition just as we were preparing to come home yesterday. As you can imagine, it was a difficult thing to have to leave my brother and sister in law and their children in this sad situation.
Just the same, Nana Margarita and her family remain in our hearts and prayers and we would humbly request a prayer from your precious, giant-hearted Prayer Warriors. We would ask that our Lord bless and embrace Margarita, open His heart and grant her His everlasting peace and make a place for her at His table. We also pray for peace, courage and comfort for her family and loved ones as this kind-hearted lady has a legion of admirers, as well she should. I pray we should all be granted understanding and peace, most especially Margarita’s great grandchildren, Marisol and Emilio, seen here below. Mari and Emi also have a little brother, Caleb, who is 2-and-a-half, and is too little to understand the situation. These innocents need our prayers also.
Dewey, many thanks for your kind and generous assist. Thanks also, in advance, to our brothers and sisters for their heartfelt prayers. We are in your debt.
God bless!
Grace Cordova-Kalberer
We are praying for all of you Grace. We know that Nana is in great hands, the greatest hands ever! AMEN! We pray for strength and peace for you all! Let the life of Nana be an example to all of us! AMEN!
Have you visited our web site of late? We are called to be a Mega-phone to the World for God………come by for a visit……….many inspirational postings to help you in your daily walk with Jesus Christ. Many news stories to give you the news you need to know! New videos are posted! Please pray about supporting our efforts! God Bless you!
By the way Karen Rowe, a favorite writer of many of you just posted at as has Diane Markins another favorite of many here at the CUP and new to FGGAM is Dave Mumford, you will be blessed by all three and all the postings at FGGAM! For God’s Glory Alone!
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family
Visit us today!
If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift. You can securely give by clicking on this link- then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name.
Thank you,
Dewey Moede
If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to