Integrity makes decisions based on eternal implications


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Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Welcome to Thursday’s CUP! What do you have pl=
for tonight?

I ask because if you are free, come to Valley View Chris=
tian Church in Edgewood tonight at 7pm for Bible Study on Integrity, I will=
be leading the group tonight, filling in for Pastor Leonard.

I love those words of C.S. Lew=
is, the Lord sent me to them today as I was preparing the CUP. The Lord has=
called me to be a MEGAPHONE for HIM to rouse a deaf world! God show’s me&n=
everyday why He called me i=
nto full-time Ministry. That deaf world also includes too many  that b=
elong to the Church.

Sharon and I thank all of you =
who are standing in the gap with us here at FGGAM! 

I am going to share with you o=
n Integrity this morning. 

Proverbs 2:6-8 For the LORD gives wisdom; from his =
mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the u=
pright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths o=
f justice and watching over the way of his saints.

I love this wri=
te up by Larry Davies, not only because it is solid, but he refers to the G=
reat Wall in China where my Dad 
served for awhile during WWII. I also say the greatest enemy w=
e face, is ourselves! I keep hearing these 
Politicians and some others always calling for ethic’s ref=
orm, NO! We have more law’s on the books than Wal-Mart has product, we need=
hearts changed for the Lord. I used to say more than Carter has liver pill=
‘s, but it’s getting where nobody alive remembers Carter’s liver pills!!!!!=
!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL


by: Larry Davies | Nov 7, 20=
The ancient Chinese built the =E2=80=
=9CGreat Wall=E2=80=9D which stretches for several thousand miles, to ensur=
e their security from foreign invaders. Yet during the first hundred years =
after the wall was completed, China was successfully invaded three times, n=
ot by going over the wall or tearing it down, but by bribing the guards and=
simply marching through the gates. China spent years building the =E2=80=
=9CGreat Wall=E2=80=9D but didn=E2=80=99t spend enough time building the ch=
aracter of the gatekeepers.
America is the strongest country in t=
he world today=E2=80=A6 by far. There is no equal, militarily or economical=
ly. The communist threat has disappeared so whom do we have to fear? The an=
swer: ourselves! I received a joke giving the root definition for politics:=
=E2=80=9Cpoli=E2=80=9D which is Latin for many and =E2=80=9Ctics=E2=80=9D =
which are blood-sucking creatures. Put it together and what do you have? Ou=
Wall Street has been filled with case=
s of insider trading and even religious leaders have been involved in sex s=
candals and misappropriation of church funds. All of these instances serve =
as examples of serious erosion of our integrity.
David wrote Psalm 15 to help us set s=
trong standards that would define our integrity as people of God. First he =
asks the question: Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on y=
our holy hill? 
In other words, =E2=80=9CWhat kind of individual ha=
s an intimate relationship with God? What standards does God expect of us?=
1.    Those who lead blameless lives=E2=80=A6 Do we live out what we believe? Do we walk and speak with int=
2.    =E2=80=A6and do what is right=E2=80=A6 This involves our day to day habits and choices in life.
3.    =E2=80=A6speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Do we really mean what we say?
4.    Those who refuse to slander others=E2=80=A6 You cannot claim to love your neighbor while spreading go=
ssip and rumors behind their backs.
5.    =E2=80=A6or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends=E2=80=A6=
We avoid being judgmental an=
d treat people with respect.
6.    Those who despise persistent sinners=E2=80=A6 It may be good to witness to the wrong crowd, but it=E2=
=80=99s dangerous to run around with them. Who is influencing whom?

7.    =E2=80=A6and honor the faithful followers of the Lord=E2=80=A6 We often become like the people we han=
g with so we should spend our time wisely with those who can help strengthe=
n our faith.
8.    =E2=80=A6and keep their promises even when it hurts. We do what we say, even when it is not in our be=
st interest. The baseball player, Ted Williams, is famous for voluntarily c=
utting his salary after a bad year. It=E2=80=99s been over thirty years and=
people still talk about it. That=E2=80=99s integrity.
9.    Those who do not charge interest on the money they lend=E2=80=A6 This is not about banks or business =
but how you help a friend in need: generously and unselfishly.
10. =E2=80=A6and w=
ho refuse to accept a bribe to testify against the innocent. 
We have positions of trust. We do not accep=
t favors to corrupt our conduct=E2=80=A6ever.
Ten standards to guide our Godly inte=
grity. Can you possibly do all of them? Of course not! That is why you and =
I need God and why we need to be in church. We do our best and trust in God=
for the rest. Psalm 15 ends with this promise: =E2=80=9CSuch people will stand firm forever.=E2=80=9D

A preacher once gave a sermon on hone=
sty. The next day, she took the bus into town and after taking a seat notic=
ed she was given too much change. She tried to convince herself that the ex=
tra money was a gift from God but knew better. Before getting off the bus s=
he handed the driver the extra money and said: =E2=80=9CYou made a mistake and gave me too m=
uch change?=E2=80=9D
=E2=80=9CThat was no mistake,=E2=80=9D said the driver with a smile. =E2=80=9CI was in your church yester=
day and heard your sermon on honesty. So this morning, I gave you a little =
People are watching. What will they see in you? 
Looking at number 9 makes me think of the time when someone w=
as in great need and a Christian brother sent them to another Christian bro=
ther here in Albuquerque and that “brother” wanted to charge the person in =
need 50% 
!!!!!! Yes that is the truth! 

I Preach on&n=
bsp;Integrity a lot, and I love this: Integrity makes decisions based =
on eternal implications.

Look around y=
ou and see the messes many are in, many times it is because of lack of fait=
h in God, making decisions in the moment, not taking it to God and&nbs=
p;listening to Him for an answer, not taking it to your accountability=
group for their thoughts, dealing with ungodly people, not basing your&nbs=
p;decision on eternal implications.

I have made m=
y share of bad decisions. You can say I have learned the hard way in m=
uch, some call that the School of hard knocks! 

I also have&n=
bsp;learned that God carries us through these challenges BIG=
and small. But only if we come to trust Him and repent of our sins.

Yesterday I w=
as faced with an integrity issue and I wanted to make sure I was on the rig=
ht track, I prayed, I talked with Sharon, Pastor’s Paul Holt, Leonard Navar=
re and Brenton Franks. They all assured me I was on the right track, but I =
am still praying about it and waiting on the Lord. I have to say,=
many will say this is a small matter, because in many ways it is, but what=
I have learned is that their is no small matter when it comes to integrity=

The Lord offers us all discernment, and with Godly discernment you w=
ill be guided into what is right and you will know when the matter is =
settled in the way God wants it settled.&nbsp=

Two men that have set such a Godly example of Integrity in my life our Da=
vid Standridge and Tom Johnson. They are a bright light for us all. These t=
wo men have been a huge part of my growth in Jesus Christ.

I share that with you to honor the work God has done in the life of David=
and Tom and to give thanks to the Lord for men like them. We all need Brot=
hers and Sisters in our life that are mentor’s to us. I am blessed with man=

Your integrity is made stronger or weaker by those wh=
o you surround yourself with.

That is why I have Preached and taught for years on having Godly mentor’s=

God the center of all your 

is why I have Preached and taught for years on getting up at 4am and spend=
ing an hour with HIM and HIS Word! A minimum of an hour a day!!!!=

Why =
do Preachers, and other Church leaders get themselves in trouble? Why do&nb=
sp;Politicians get in trouble? Policeman? Teachers? all of us? 

 times it is EGO, Edging God Out! Thinking that we are =
bigger than God.

You =
can probably trace most of our problems in the world to that!

We c=
annot continue to fully acquire Christlike virtues until we first make GODL=
Y integrity the GRANITE FOUNDATION of our lives. In some cases this may req=
uire us to go through the painful process of ripping out the existing found=
ation built upon deceit and replacing it stone by stone with a foundation o=
f integrity.

Job 2:3 And the LORD said to Satan, =E2=80=9CHave y=
ou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a b=
lameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil? He still =
holds fast his integrity, although you incited me against him to destroy hi=
m without reason.=E2=80=9D


Charles Spurgeon – The=
Prince of Preachers

=E2=80=8E”I do not care to what church you belong, or what creed you=
are ready to die for, you do not know the Truth of God unless the Person o=
f Christ is dear to you!”

Let us go into prayer………….remember we have all prayer needs poste=
d at ;

Dearest Friend Dewey…


You may recall I wrote you about my dear sister in law’s=
grandmother (and namesake), Margarita Vasquez, who lives in Tucson, a=
long with the rest of my family.  Granny Margarita suffered a stroke b=
ack in November and, bless her heart, this formerly fiercely independent la=
dy has been greatly disabled since then and unable to live on her own, not =
to mention needing oxygen.  

As you can imagine, it’s been a struggle for Margarita=
since that time and as of the last couple of days, the time approaches tha=
t she should go home to rest the loving arms of our Holy Father.&=
nbsp; We enjoyed a nice visit my family in Tucson this past weekend and hea=
rd of her deteriorating condition just as we were preparing to come home ye=
sterday.  As you can imagine, it was a difficult thing to have to leav=
e my brother and sister in law and their children in this sad situation.&nb=

Just the same,=
Nana Margarita and her family remain in our hearts and prayers and we woul=
d humbly request a prayer from your precious, giant-hearted Prayer Warriors=
.  We would ask that our Lord bless and embrace Margarita, open His he=
art and grant her His everlasting peace and make a place for her at His tab=
le.  We also pray for peace, courage and comfort for her family a=
nd loved ones as this kind-hearted lady has a legion of admirers, as well&n=
bsp;she should.  I pray we should all be granted understanding and pea=
ce, most especially Margarita’s great grandchildren, Marisol and Emilio, se=
en here below.  Mari and Emi also have a little brother, Caleb, who is=
2-and-a-half, and is too little to understand the situation.  These i=
nnocents need our prayers also.

Dewey, many thanks for your=
kind and generous assist. Thanks also, in advance, to our brothers and sis=
ters for their heartfelt prayers. We are in your debt. 

God bless!
Grace Cordo=

We are praying for all of yo=
u Grace. We know that Nana is in great hands, the greatest hands ever! AMEN=
! We pray for strength and peace for you all! Let the life of Nana be an ex=
ample to all of us! AMEN! 

Have you visited our web sit=
e of late? We are called to be a Mega-phone to the World for God………co=
me by for a visit……….many inspirational postings to help you in your =
daily walk with Jesus Christ. Many news stories to give you the news you ne=
ed to know! New videos are posted!
nbsp;Please pray about supporting our efforts! God Bless you! 

By the way Karen Rowe, a fav=
orite writer of many of you just posted at www.fgga= as has Diane Markins another favorite of many here at the CU=
P and new to FGGAM is Dave Mumford, you will be blessed by all three and al=
l the postings at FGGAM! For God’s Glory Alone! 

For God’s Glory Alone in the=
Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. B
e assured my friends,&nbsp=
;your gift will be of the great=
est help
 in furthering the mini=
work the Lord has laid upon us =
to carry 
out in His Holy Name.&=

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to

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kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
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