John 3:30 says, He must increase, but I must decrease


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Dear family of our =
Lord Jesus Christ,

How are you this da=
y? May God Bless you and yours forever and ever! Amen!

John 3:30: He must increase, but I must decrease.
Yesterday was such a blessed day in the Lord at Victory Church of God in Gr=
ants, NM where Pastor Mark Tross in the Pastor. Mark’s lovely angel Ju=
liet led the music! Sharon and I were so blessed to be there and share the =
Word’s that God gave us! I preached the service and Sharon taught the women=
after potluck.

Here are the some of the points of the message God gave me yesterday for yo=
u to “chew over”

Some of you will say like my kid’s,” Dad, you say these things over and ove=
r!” And I say AMEN! We need to get the basics before we can take the next s=
tep for Jesus. Our society is struggling because we don’t do the =
Clear you mind of any negative thoughts.  Are the thoughts you are hav=
ing of God or of satan?
You have all you need to go forth in our Lord……you have all you need!
Fill your mind with God.
Be in order with God’s order. We cannot be out of order.
1. God
2. Wife or husband
3. Family
4. Work for God
Some of you may say I don’t work for God I am Car salesman. My point here i=
s that whatever you do, it must be a calling from God. You must be doing th=
e work assigned you by our Lord Jesus.
If you are not doing the work assigned you by Jesus you are out of order.
You know what you are to be doing through a close personal relationship wit=
h Jesus Christ.
You have a personal relationship with Jesus where you can hear Hi=
God talks to us!
Wake up early at 4am and read the Word for an hour, pray, listen. This will=
for a stronger foundation for you.Get up at this time before some human be=
ing ruins your day. LOL LOL
You must spend at least an hour with the Father each day.
Stay in God’s order, not your’s or anyone else’s.
Have a Church that you attend and a Pastor that you trust with everything.
Have an accountability group around you! 
Have mentor’s.
Be a fruit tree.
Let it be said when you die that you beared much fruit for God.
Be Salt and Light.
Share your testimony with the World!
Be a Barnabas to people!
We should be encouraging people at all times!
Be consistent in the ways of God. 
An unbelieving world loves inconsistent Christians! 
Do not show an unbelieving world what it likes to see from Christ=

Sharon and I have openings to Speak, Preach and Teach at your Church or gro=
up meetings, just contact us.
There are pictures throughout this CUP of yesterday, please enjoy=
, For God’s Glory Alone!

Blessed to be at Victory Church of God in Grants  =
=E2=80=94 with Ted Johnson.
Please pray for Karen, Jolene and Joyce,they all have cancer and ar=
e having much pain from the chemo. This is a note from Joyce. I had never h=
eard from her before Sunday. 

Joyce Weber-Alexander I am h=
aving church at home in my heart — again my cancer is making it hard for m=
e to attend as much as I would like. I love your words of kindness & en=
couragement! Thank you for lifting my spirit … & you did not even kno=
w it  I am truly blessed to have you as a friend

I just praise our Lord for what He is doing with my li=
fe, and the life of my wife Sharon, we live for Jesus and His 
people.It is the most exciting times of our life, knowing you are doi=
ng the work assigned to you by our Lord.

Please pray for Sandy Stambaugh, she was having breath=
ing problems yesterday.

We are blessed to have Darlene Quiring with us today t=
o share. Darlene uses Facebook for God’s Glory Alone, she is always posting=
encouraging words to us all……….

The most po=
pular =C2=93Social Networking=C2=94 site is called Facebook.

Facebook has been so popular that there are more people who use Facebook th=
an live in the USA. In fact, if the users of Facebook made up their own cou=
ntry they=C2=92d be the 3rd largest nation on earth =C2=96 with a populatio=
n of over 400 million.

65 million of those people access their Facebook account regularly thru the=
ir cell phones or mobile devices. And experts say that the average user has=
about 130 Facebook friends and they spend more than 55 minutes a day on th=
eir site talking with friends, posting pictures and reading about other peo=
ple they=C2=92ve met online.

Essentially Facebook is a place where people tell other people WHO THEY ARE=

Well, actually it=C2=92s a place where people tell other who they THINK the=
y are=C2=85 

Well, actually, it=C2=92s a place where people tell others how they wish ot=
hers thought they were.

Now on my Facebook, I am careful to show pictures that show me in what I th=
ink are flattering poses. Pictures that show me as being=C2=85 

=C2=B7 Forceful

=C2=B7 Debonair

=C2=B7 Affectionate 

=C2=B7 Mysterious

=C2=B7 Religious

=C2=B7 A World Traveler (these were all humorous poses

I=C2=92ve been on Facebook for about 3 or 4 years now, and I=C2=92ve notice=
d something about the site that=C2=92s really intriguing:

It seems that when people get on Facebook they always reveal WHO they are.

It=C2=92s like they believe they=C2=92re somehow anonymous because no one i=
s looking them in the eye. And thus, they don=C2=92t think anybody is reall=
y paying attention. 

Now, some people are very nice folks in private=C2=85 and so they=C2=92re n=
ice on Facebook. But others – if they=C2=92re mean spirited, lewd, crude an=
d generally despicable in private that=C2=92s how they behave on Facebook. =
And some of these people will post pictures on their Facebook they wouldn=
=C2=92t ordinarily want anybody to see, but they=C2=92ll put them online be=
cause they think they=C2=92re being funny. 

There=C2=92s just something about Facebook that reveals people =C2=96 as th=
ey really are.

ILLUS: I remember one woman who =C2=93friended=C2=94 me (in other words she=
asked to be able to read my posts and put her posts on my page). 

Now that was nice=C2=85 it was a compliment to me. And of course I said =C2=

But then, after a few weeks I noticed a disturbing pattern in her postings.=
What she wrote on HER Facebook (and thus shared with me) often had foul wo=

and she would talk about things a Christian sh=
ouldn=C2=92t be talking about.

So, I sent her a private message explaining that this wasn=C2=92t appropria=

She was remorseful and said it wouldn=C2=92t happen again.

But it did.

So I sent her another message=C2=85 and she =C2=93unfriended=C2=94 me.&nbsp=

And that was ok.

You see, what she began to realize was – the things she thought were privat=
e were not private. She came to the conclusion that if she wanted to do wha=
t she wanted to do she had to make sure I didn=C2=92t know what she was doi=

So she unfriended me.

She cut me off from her Facebook page.

Because (in her mind) if I didn=C2=92t KNOW what she was doing=C2=85 she co=
uld keep on doing it.

Now, she can hide that from me=C2=85 but she can=C2=92t hide those things f=
rom God

In Jeremiah God tells us =C2=93My eyes are on all their ways; they are not =
hidden from me, nor is their sin concealed from my eyes.=C2=94 Jeremiah 16:=

Hebrews 4:13 =C2=93Nothing in all creation is hidden from God=C2=92s sight =
Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we mus=
t give account.=C2=94

That woman may have thought she=C2=92d gotten away from with something by =
=C2=93unfriending=C2=94 me, but she can=C2=92t hide anything from God. He s=
ees it all. And here in Luke 6 Jesus is essentially telling us that God has=
a Facebook page for each of us. On that Facebook page God sees exactly who=
you and I are. Every word we speak is recorded. Every action we do is show=

Because God sees us as we really are.

Now just to put your mind at ease – none of us come off looking all that go=
od on the Facebook page God has for us. As Romans says =C2=96 =C2=93All hav=
e sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.=C2=94

But here in Luke 6 Jesus is telling His disciples that, while that may be t=
rue, they shouldn=C2=92t get real comfortable with that idea. While all of =
us do mess up in our lives on occasion, God is looking to see what kind of =
fruit we=C2=92re bearing in our lives.

He says: “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit=
.=C2=94 Luke 6:43

Then Jesus points out what kind of fruit God looks at:

=C2=B7 God looks at what we SAY

=C2=93The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his hear=
t, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his hea=
rt. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth SPEAKS.=C2=94 Luke 6:45

=C2=B7 AND God looks at what we DO

“Why do you call me, =C2=91Lord, Lord,=C2=92 and do not DO what I say? Luke=

What Jesus is saying is this: what you say and what you do are reflections =
of what is inside of you. The good man brings good things out of the good s=
tored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil =
stored up in his heart.

How you and I TALK=C2=85 and how you and I WALK are reflections of what we=
=C2=92ve stored in our hearts. In computer language they have a scientific =
description of that process.

It=C2=92s called =C2=93Garbage in, garbage out.=C2=94

If you put bad things in a computer=C2=85 you=C2=92ll get bad things out.

And conversely, if you put good things in=C2=85 you=C2=92ll get good things=

So, as Christians, what=C2=92s INSIDE of us?

Well, it=C2=92s should be the Spirit of God.

Thank you for sharing Darlene! You are a HUGE =
blessing. Darlene lives in Mt. Lake, Minn, which is just 14 miles from my h=
ometown, Windom.

More pictures from yesterday at Victory Church of God&nbsp=
;in Grants……..

Sharon shared with the women’s group after potluck She ha=
s the glow with her the light of Jesus shines wherever she goes! I love my =
wife so much! Thank You Lord!!!
 =E2=80=94 withJuliet Manci=
ni Tross and Sharon Moede.

March 8, 2013. =
Wheat harvest season is coming soon. The anticipation of a rewarding c=
rop is very high with wheat farmers. Easter comes early this year and the o=
ther important holy days follow with a crescendo of Pentecost on May 15. Pe=
ntecost was like a grand harvest festival of thanksgiving. On that first Pe=
ntecost after the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit came and rested up=
on all those on the roof top in their prayer meeting. Some believe that on =
that very day the church was born as a first fruits expression from heaven.=
They came to be known as Christians. Pray about giving this year with a ch=
eerful heart a first fruits offering from your own harvest. God loves a che=
erful giver. He loves you!
2 Corinthians 9:6-8 (MSG) “Rememb=
er: A stingy planter gets a stingy crop; a lavish planter gets a lavish cro=
p. I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up =
your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories=
and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving. God =
can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anyt=
hing and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done.”&nbs=
p;Ras Robinson
March 9, 2013. There is an undercurrent of dislike, m=
istrust and rejection. Most of the time it lays low, but nevertheless it is=
there. This undercurrent has taken others in and therefore has caused a we=
b that is not seen but always lurking.  It rears its head from time to=
time, to make innuendos and then goes back underground. Most of the time y=
ou know it is coming, but there seems nothing you can do about it. This gri=
eves you without end. There is something you can do about it, precious one.=
The weapons of your warfare are mighty before Me. Get the one you know who=
feels the same, pray together, then watch.
2 Corinthians 10:3-4 (AMP) “For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we =
are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human=
weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of =
flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and dest=
ruction of strongholds,” Bev Robinson

It’s all abou=
t God it’s all about His Word His way Amen!!!! For Gods Glory Alone!!!!




My Friends and Family,

For years I use to wear a cross necklace on a daily basis… For a=20
number of years I lost my way in following our Lord and this didn’t=20
necessarily become unimportant, but when I lost the necklace I had it=20
was not an important issue to me to replace it… Over the course of=20
the last 5/6 months several wonderful things happened in my life; 1st -=20
God brought Pastor Dewey Moede to me; 2nd – God had Pastor Dewey=20
introduce me to Pastors Marty & Paulette Cooper at ‘Christ Full=20
Deliverance Ministries’ in Rio Rancho where me and my wonderful wife=20
Sandy now regularly attend service… THE LORD HAS ALWAYS BEEN WITH US=20
HEARTS !!!… I can’t tell you how wonderful it feels !!!!!!

Keeping in mind that I lost my job a couple months ago and I have been=20
unable to find new employment with my age & disability hindering me… =
Funds are running extremely low and we’ll be on hamburger helper without=20
the hamburger relatively soon if I don’t find something, but a couple=20
weeks ago I called my wonderful wife who was out grocery shopping and=20
asked if there was any way we could afford for me to go shopping and try=20
to find an inexpensive one to replace my lost necklace… She knew how=20
important this had become to me again and said “Go get one and don’t=20
worry about how much it is, I know had bad you want one.”… Won’t=20
mention stores involved but I went to the mall and proceeded to try to=20
find one… I had found a rather inexpensive one but the chain was=20
just way too small… Suddenly, Sandy called me back and said she was=20
going to the mall to get something and asked where I was… When I=20
told here I was already at the mall she said she would be there in a=20
couple minutes… When she arrived I showed her the one I had picked=20
out and she took me to the jewelry counter where the attendant showed us=20
another chain of good length but the most inexpensive one they had was=20
well over twice the amount of the cross itself… The combination of=20
the two would have come to a total of $99 which was very had for me to=20
chew on with our current situation and while I’m trying to cut back on=20
anything I can to provide what is left for my wife & family… Anyway=
I didn’t really care too much for the ones we picked out but decided to=20
get them… My wife said to get them anyway but she needed to go pick=20
out what she was looking for first… We left the items with the=20
attendant and told her we would be right back with the other item=20
also… Sandy was unable to find the item she wanted at that store so=20
we went back to get the chain & cross and then go to another store… =
When we arrived back at the counter the attendant was now busy with=20
another customer… We waited and waited and waited and waited… =20
Eventually, we decided to go to another store to try to find the item=20
she was looking for… She found the item she wanted which she said=20
was perfect and exactly what she was looking for… We turned around to=20
go pay for it and right there in front of me was the jewelry section and=20
the counter directly in front of me had the most beautiful cross=20
necklace I think I’d ever seen… I looked at the price and told her=20
it was just way way too much… She said “Nonsense – get it”… We=20
asked the attendant if we could see it and while she pulled it out she=20
said – “Nice pick, it’s on sale for 75% off !!!

We got the cross necklace which I absolutely love and her new handbag=20
which she absolutely loves for exactly the same amount as I would have=20
paid for the cross & necklace I didn’t like that much at the other stor=

Four part quiz for the day:

1 – Did I actually loose the original necklace; (or was it=20
misplaced for a reason) ?…

2 – Who brought Sandy to the mall at that exact same time I was=20
experiencing this problem ?…

3 – Who kept the attendant at the first store so busy we finally=20
left ?…

4 – Who took us to the other store where we found exactly what we=20
both wanted which were both of better quality and much more inexpensive=20
since they were both on sale ?…

If you can’t answer all four of these questions with a single word -=20
CALL PASTOR DEWEY – he’ll be happy to help you find the answer !!!!!…

Rick Stambaugh

Thank you for the word’s Rick! We are praying for =
you and Sandy! Please keep Rick in your prayers, he is undergoing a medical=
procedure today. Also as I shared earlier Sandy, his wife had breathing problems yesterday.=
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ,=
Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
 then scroll down the page to securely give =

. Be assured my friends, your =
gift will be of the greatest he=
 in furthering the ministry&n=
work the Lord has laid upon us to car=
out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
 – we will take you off this email list asa=

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