More on Abortions going on in Albuquerque

We should look after the least of these.
I want to go back and cover a bit of what I have based my Preaching and Teaching on, a close personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ where you can hear him! I pray that you are filled with the Holy Spirit so much that you can feel the Spirit in and around you! I pray that you get up early in the morning and pray to God, read His Word, putting on the Armour of God! I pray you do not do anything or say anything without God telling you to! I pray that you are bearing fruit for God, that you are a fruit tree! That when others look around you, they can call you a fruit tree for the Kingdom! 

We should look after the least of these.
We should look after the least of these.

When I look around and see the challenges of the World and right here in the United States, it is because too many have gone away from God to do what they want. This is not a Republican or Democrat or Tea party problem it is a human problem. The Lord has shown me most Politicians do not have a close relationship with Jesus Christ, if they did we would not have these problems. If your from New Mexico and you have been following how disgraceful the Senate has treated Sec. of Education Hanna Skandera, it just ungodly. This women has tried to change Education in New Mexico, one of the worst if not worst education systems in the United States! With the way the Senate is treating her and the Teachers union, you would think that she put New Mexico in last place! She did not, the state did! The drop out rate at a lot of New Mexico schools is 50%!!!! Why is the Senate and the Teachers Union fighting for a failed system???? 

As this goes on you have Abortions going on in Albuquerque, which is becoming the Abortion capital of the United States! I am hearing nothing from the Senate on the murder of babies!
Also this from Pastor Mark Tross……….
We are covering these stories daily at to keep you informed

One other story I will touch on and I do it more at our web site, is the drought. I have been Preaching and reporting on this for 3 years now. This weekend we learned that Maxwell, NM is basically out of water. They are hauling in water to water trees, etc. Some are going without showers and having to but water in a jug. These folks have to go out of town to wash their clothes. Water just trickles from the faucet, the aquifer in Maxwell is going dry. The lack of water is now a HUGE problem in New Mexico.

We cannot keep aborting God’s children and expect to have our land and lives blessed. We need to repent of our sins and pray to the Lord.

Our State and Country does not have a Political problem that can be solved in Washington or Santa Fe, it is a God problem! We need to have a Revival and repent, repent, and pray and pray! 

Human history shows that the natural mind becomes progressively self-destructive if left to it’s own desires. People who are directed by their natural minds walk in darkness and have incorrect thinking. 

The Word of God call’s the mind of the natural man “blinded” 2 Cor 4:4 “blinded”  Romans 1:28 “Depraved” 1 Tim 6:5 “Corrupt” and Col. 2:18 “Unspiritual” 

The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-based viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh direts it’s thoughts. The sinful mind is under control of Satan and can never please God because it concentrates on things of the world and not things of God. The natural mind walks a path of destruction.