One who is taught the word must share all good things with the one who


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Dear Family of our =
Lord Jesus Christ,

God Bless you and y=

Today we are going to continue to talk about, ther=
e is no 
such thing as luck, it’s all about God and being a fruit tr=
ee for the Kingdom! The 
 to all =
of us is, are we producing 
fruit for God? What will your obituary say? 

Our Teaching on “There is no luck, it’s al=
l about God”, has created good 
 for God’s Glory Alone! There are certain =
Godly principles that God has impressed upon me to stress, and this is one =
of them. Here is a note from Rick, a Vietnam Vet……….


WOW – Never really thought about it – =
– – I always considered my survival in Vietnam ‘luck’ – – – Sure wasn’t, wa=
s it !!!   Only wish I fully understood why he kept me here ? Jus=
t to wait till I found him again or does he have something else in mind…&=
nbsp;  Re-Devoted again; (but maybe still a little confused) !?!?!

I thank=
GOD daily I have the two of you in my lives !!!


Thank you for your testimony Rick! I a=
m so thankful for you and all those that share here at the CUP! One of the =
greatest thrills here is the amount of people who make themselves vulnerabl=
e for God….and share HIS works, HIS greatness! 

Here is a reply from Karen Rowe…………

 Cuz God gave us purpose as long as we have breath in ou=
r body … and when we have completed our job in Jesus’ name then God will =
say, well done my good and faithful servant. The Lord will lead and guide u=
s always through our pains and difficulties; and along side another who als=
o has a need. My love and prayers also join for Rick and thankful he surviv=
ed such a horrible time for such a beautiful purpose for God…I know this =
by faith. We’re not home yet, we’ve got a job to do and a life to live in C=
hrist…until we finally make it home …Love in Christ, Karen

Thank you f=
or sharing Karen!

Bearing fruit for the Kingdom! I wrote the foll=
owing column for the Windom, Minnesota newspaper this week…………Pleas=
e read on because this will show you exactly what I have been Pre=
aching and Teaching on…………

What I am=
about to share with you is one of the reasons Windom
remains a=
special place for me.
It is whe=
re my Godly foundation was built.
People so=
wed seeds into my life.
In John 1=
5:8, Jesus says, =E2=80=9CThis is to my
=80=99s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing
s to be my disciples.=E2=80=9D
Bearing g=
ood fruit, let us all be fruit trees!
I attende=
d American Lutheran Church
when I li=
ved in Windom. My Sunday School
teachers =
were Orville Fredrickson, Irene Hartberg
and Evere=
tt Stevens. I still have a booklet
that Iren=
e gave me when I graduated form
Windom Ar=
ea High School in 1974.
As many o=
f you know, Irene was very
special. =
Irene=E2=80=99s love of people carried over
into the =
lessons she taught us in Sunday

Orville F=
redrickson was the butcher at the old Fair Store in Windom.
He was a =
quiet man, but carried himself in a Godly manner. He treated
all custo=
mers with the love of Jesus and had a quite strength about him.
Everett S=
tevens left a strong foundation with me. What I remember
about Eve=
rett from Sunday School was that he always wore a dress
suit, whi=
te shirt and tie. He told me that he always dressed that way in
the house=
of the Lord to show respect. Orville dressed the same way.
The Lord =
teaches us to bear good fruit for the Kingdom, for the glory
of God. T=
he seeds sowed into my life by Irene, Orville and Everett are
bearing f=
ruit these days as a pastor for God=E2=80=99s Glory Alone Ministries.
They set =
a Godly example for me =E2=80=94 in Sunday School, in their families
and at th=
eir occupations.
Be a frui=
t tree for God. Sow seeds into the lives of others. Irene,
Orville, =
and Everett did that for me years ago in Windom, they had
an effect=
on me that has stayed with me my whole life, for which I am
And you k=
now what? Many other people in Windom did the same!
Be fruit =
trees for the kingdom!
Dewey Moe=
de, a 1974 graduate of Windom Area High School, is pastor
and found=
er of For God=E2=80=99s Glory Alone Ministries
A worldwi=
de ministry based in Albuquerque, N.M., bringing the Light of
Jesus Chr=
ist to the world . . . one person at a time.

So, you see the seeds that were planted in me by m=
y Sunday School teachers years ago are bearing fruit for the Kingdom and th=
en I could go on and on of all the others who have done the same! This emai=
l showed up yesterday. It’s been over 30 years since Jason worked for me at=
WFRN in South Bend/Elkhart, Indiana ……..This is just an OUTS=
TANDING Testimony on how God works, and being a fruit tree! Jason heads up =
the Goshen College 
radio station. I love Jaso=
n’s statement, “paying it forward!” 


Below is a story on the GC radio station. I still talk about you with my=20
students in the classroom and at the radio station. Thanks for all your gui=
and mentoring during my early years in the industry. It’s a privilege to pa=
y it=20

Be well,


Goshen College radi=
o station the best in Indiana and the country, again=20

GOSHEN, Ind. =E2=80=93 Goshen College=E2=80=99s student-operated radio stat=
ion WGCS 91.1 The=20
Globe ( ) just added two more =
huge accomplishments to its=20
growing list: 2013 Best College Station in the Nation and Indiana=E2=80=99s=
Radio School=20
of the Year.=20

Best College Station in the Nation=20

This is the second time the college radio station has received the top nati=
award in three years from the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS), ma=
it the first college to be a repeat winner in the competition, which is aga=
every college and university in the country of every size. Last year, the=
station was a runner-up for the top award.=20

The station=E2=80=99s General Manager Jason Samuel and a group of his stude=
nts who work=20
at the station were on hand to win the award at the 73rd Annual Conference =
the IBS in New York City on March 2. The Globe beat out two other finalists=
the top award: William Patterson University (enrollment: 11,400 students) a=
DePaul University (enrollment: 25,000 students). In addition, students won =
national awards and were finalists in 20 categories. IBS is the oldest coll=
radio association in the country.=20

=E2=80=9CI honestly thought we=E2=80=99d never win again, but they told us =
that the most=20
significant factor separating WGCS from the other radio stations is our=20
community involvement,=E2=80=9D said Samuel, an assistant professor of comm=
=E2=80=9CWe=E2=80=99re doing the best we can and it feels great to have oth=
ers recognize our=20
hard work.=E2=80=9D The Globe=E2=80=99s community involvements include host=
ing a blood drive,=20
airing local high school events, partnering with Ignition Garage to bring=
artists for local concerts and helping with Downtown Goshen=E2=80=99s First=

Indiana=E2=80=99s Radio School of the Year and Television School of the Yea=

And just a few weeks earlier on Feb. 15, for the second consecutive year, G=
College earned the state titles of both Radio School of the Year and Televi=
School of the Year in the 2013 Indiana Association of School Broadcasting=
(IASB) college broadcasting competition.=20

Last year, the college was the first school in the IASB competition to win =
School of the Year awards in both radio and television in the same academic=
year, and in doing so, Goshen became only the second school ever to win the=
award in both categories since the first awards were given in 2005. Goshen=
College broadcasting students also won 22 other radio and television awards=
the competition, including six first-place awards.=20

The Correspondent is the college=E2=80=99s bi-weekly television news broadc=
ast produced=20
by Goshen College students and distributed via the campus cable system and =
Internet. Assistant Professor of Communication Seth Conley is the adviser f=
The Correspondent.=20

“We are honored to receive an award of this magnitude, especially two years=
in a=20
row,=E2=80=9D said Conley. =E2=80=9CWe realize that we are facing some very=
tough competition=20
from other strong video programs across the state, so we are thrilled to be=
included in that group, let alone being named Television School of the Year=
the third time in four years.=E2=80=9D=20

The Globe has been on the air since 1958, is managed by members of the Gosh=
College Communication Department and is staffed by about 40 student workers=
community volunteers. Each week The Globe features a fresh and eclectic mix=
Americana, alternative acoustic, folk, singer-songwriters and world beat mu=
The Globe is one of a select number of reporting stations to the Americana=
Airplay Chart. It provides 24-hour programming, which includes music, news,=
public affairs and sports.=20

=E2=80=9CWe=E2=80=99re tickled!=E2=80=9D said Samuel, about the repeat win.=
=E2=80=9CWe have students at all=20
grade levels recognized with awards. If we didn=E2=80=99t have that deep of=
a roster of=20
talent, we wouldn=E2=80=99t have repeated as Radio School of the Year. We t=
ell students=20
that when they come here they can get behind the microphone or the camera=
immediately and start working at their craft. So they gain four years of=20
hands-on experience, instead of just one or two years like they would at mu=
larger schools.=E2=80=9D

I thank=
for keeping in touch with me and=
letting me know about the fruit he is producing! PRAISE GOD! Fruit Trees i=

So, as we go forth in our days that the =
Lord has given us here on earth, sow seeds for the Kingdom!
We would be thankful for you to help us go forth here =
at FGGAM and sow seeds into this ministry as we reach one person at a time =
for Jesus Christ,
whether their in Goshen, Indiana, Virginia, or Malaysia! FGGAM is using, the CUP, the web, TV, Radio, email, facebook, =
letters, Preaching, Teaching, C=
ounseling, and all
that is made available to us to reach people for=
Jesus Christ. We need your help to help sustain this Ministry. Will you be=
Barnabas for us? Will you give us the cost of a CUP of coffee daily?=
If everyone here on the CUPgave $10.00 a month, you all would sustain this=
Ministry with your gifts! We pray that each day you see how God is using F=
GGAM to be Salt and Light to the World. You can give on line at or mail to FGGAM PO BOX 65516 Albuquerque, NM 871=
In talking to Pastor Steve Freeman yesterday, he reminded me that Easter =
is fast approaching, it is March 31st! I always think
April for Easter because my Dad pa=
ssed away in April of 1992 on Easter morning. Dad passed away the week he r=
etired of a heart attack. I will never forget that Pastor Zeh came to visit=
Mom early that morning and brought Mom an Easter Lilly and as they talked=
into the morning and the sun came up the Easter Lilly opened up! Only God.=
……no luck there! This is from Pastor Leonard….=
Be blessed!

Mostly accurate and definitely worth a read.  &n=

Jesus’ Death  – 60 seconds to un=

60 seconds with God… 

For the  next 60 seconds, 

set aside whatever you’re doing and 

take this  opportunity! 


At the  age of 33, Jesus was c=
ondemned to the death penalty. 

At the  time crucifixion was the “worst” death. Only the worst crimina=
ls were  condemned to be crucified. Jesus was to be nailed to the cros=
s by His  hands and feet. 


Each  nail was 6 to 8 inches l=

The nails were driven into His  wrist. 

Not into His palms as is commonly portrayed. 

There’s a  tendon in the wrist that extends to the shoulder. 

The Roman guards  knew that when the nails 

were being hammered into the wrist,  

that tendon would tear and break, forcing Jesus 

to use His  back muscles to support himself 

so that He could breathe.  

Both of His feet were nailed together. 

Thus He was forced  to support Himself on the single nail 

that impaled His feet to the  cross. 

Jesus could not support himself with His legs 

because  of the pain, so He was forced to alternate

between arching His back  then using his legs just to continue to brea=

Imagine the  struggle, the pain, the suffering, the courage.

Jesus endured  this reality for over 3 hours. 

Yes, over 3 hours! 

Can you  imagine this kind of suffering? 

A few minutes before He died,  

Jesus stopped bleeding. 

He was simply pouring water from his  wounds. 

From common images, we see wounds to His hands  

and feet and even the spear wound to His side… 

But do we  realize His wounds were actually made in his body. 

A hammer  driving large nails through the wrist, 

the feet overlapped and an  even large nail 

hammered through the arches, 

then a Roman  guard piercing His side with a spear. 

But before the nails and the  spear, 

Jesus was whipped and beaten. 

The whipping was so  severe that it tore the flesh from His body.&nbsp=

The beating so  horrific that His face was torn 

and his beard ripped from His  face. 

The crown of thorns cut deeply into His scalp. 

Most men  would not have survived this torture. 

He had no more blood to  bleed out, 

only water poured from His wounds. 

The human adult  body contains about 3.5 liters 

(just less than a gallon) of blood.  

Jesus poured all 3.5 liters of his blood; 

He had three  nails hammered into His members; 

a crown of thorns on His head  and, beyond that, 

a Roman soldier who stabbed a spear into His  chest. 

All these without mentioning the humiliation 

He  passed after carrying His own cross for almost  2=

while the crowd spat in his face and threw stones  

(the cross was almost 30 kg of weight, only for its higher part, &nbsp=

where His hands were nailed). 

Jesus had to endure this  experience, 

so that we can have free access to God. 

So  that our sins could be “washed” away. 

All of them, with no  exception! 


He died  for us! It is easy to pass jokes 

and false witness statements by  e-mail, 

but when it comes to God, 

sometimes we feel ashamed to  forward to others 

because we are worried of what 

they may  think about us. 

60 seconds with God… 

For the next 60  seconds, set aside what you’re doing 

and take this opportunity!  

Take a  moment to appreciate the power of God 

in your life, for doing what  pleases Him. 

If you are not ashamed to do this, please,  

follow Jesus’ instructions He said (Matthew 10:32 & 33):  

“Everyone therefore who acknowledges me before others, 

I also  will acknowledge before My Father in heaven; 

but whosoever denies  Me before others, 

I also will deny before My Father in heaven.”  

Yes,  I love God. 

He is my source of life and my Savior. 

He keeps me  alive day and night. 

Without Him, I am nothing, but with  Him 

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”  

Philippians 4:13. 

Send this to all those you  love.  

“Peace I  leave with you, my p=
eace I give unto you: not as the  

     world  giveth, give I unto you. Let =
not your heart be troubled,  

     neither let  it be afraid”.. 


A friend  is someone who knows =
the song in your heart and sings it to you when  you’ve forgotten&nbsp=

     the  words! 

For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of o=
ur Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. Be assured my =
 your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
 – we will take you off this email list asa=

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