You have granted me life and favor, and Your care has preserved my spirit.


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Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

We pray for G=
od’s Favor to be upon you and yours forever and ever…………

You have granted me life and favor, and Your care has =
preserved my spirit. 

For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor =
You will surround him as with a shield. 
Psalm 5:12

 Another Godly sunset in New Mexico Our Lord i=
s the greatest Artist!

Another day of TV ministry at KAZQ!! Praise God!!! For Gods =
Alone!!! Pastor Mark Tross is my g=
uest on Dewey and Friends this Saturday night at 6pm on KAZQ CH 32. Pastor =
Mark talks about the Spiritual challenges in New Mexico and share=
s on the recent New Mexico Prayer Summit that was held at his Chu=
rch in Grants. Sharon and I will be Preaching and Teaching this Sunday at&n=
bsp;Pastor Mark’s Church, Victory  Church of God in Grants, for m=
ore info please call Pastor Mark at 505-417-4332. Read Pastor Mark’s latest=
posting at:

“It is not your job to change people…only to demonstrate what God =
is really like.”
 Graham Cooke

 Dear Dewey, I am wr=
itting to ask the Prayer Warriors to please pray for my friend ‘Joyce. She =
is going thru so much. She has had a major back surgery plus now they have =
cut two nerves in her right eye and her lid will not open. It was an accide=
ntal surgical mistake. But her depression is very bad. Pray that God w=
ill comfort her heart. Thank you in advance. Love, sam
We are praying Sam for Healing! We love y=
ou and yours!

Attorney David Standridge makes his debut=
at FGGAM with this write up:

Randy Thom was so kind to send this in…=

greetings my friend dewey, =
awesome cup once again as always.  thank you..  i will take the c=
hallenge and dedicate 10 dollars a month, it is not alot, but i believe tha=
t if each person who reads this cup does as you request, and offer up the 1=
0 dollars we can help you continue you God instructed mission for His Glory=
.. so, that being said,  I am going to rechallenge each of the readers=
to look at their heart and see if you cannot find a ten dollar bill once a=
month to support this awesome Godly ministry.   Stand up friends=
of the cup, come forth and support in any way you can today.  Halleju=
ah to the Lamb of God
  Randy Thom Lakefield, Minn.

God Bless you Randy for the see=
ds you have planted into FGGAM!!!! We love you! $10.00 a month is a wonderf=
ul love offering! At FGGAM we are walking and driving the streets for Jesus=
, using the web,  TV, Radio, F=
acebook, Twitter, Phone, Text’s, Hospital/Nursing home visits, counseling, =
Preaching and Teaching……Please pray about supporting our efforts for th=
e Kingdom, 
bringing the light of Jesus Christ to one person at a t=
ime! AMEN! For God’s Glory Alone! AMEN! 

By the way, see Pastor Pa=
ul Holt’s latest posting at: 

Pastor Tom Bozone and his lovely wife Bec=
ca are having a yard sale since they are moving to a different house in Rio=

Tom and Pastor Becky are having a final yard sale this Saturday (March 9),=
8 a.m. – 3 p.m., to move out their last stuff so they can vacate the old h=
ouse!  Address is: 


I’m attaching these links so y=
ou can see some of the items for sale.  Prices will be very reasonable=
on most items since the idea is to move them out!  PLEASE forward to =
anyone you know who might be interested……especially in the bikes, brand=
new camping gear, FIREBOX, etc.!
Thanks so much!&=
nbsp;   Gayle


You can call Pastor Tom at 505-453-3182 be blessed!

Rick Stamb=
uagh, Vietnam Vet, lives in Albuquerque and is looking for work. Sharon and=
I have come to know this man and love him so! So do Buffy and Reno! We int=
roduced him to Pastor Marty Cooper and Rick and his lovely wife attend Mart=
y’s Church in Rio Rancho. If you have a job opening, and Rick and do about =
anything, he has been a manager, worked hard all his life and served our Co=
untry. Call him today at 505-507-6000. Please pray for Rick and that he get=
‘s a job. We pray this day for all who are looking for work! AMEN! 

We are so blessed to have Sister Karen Rowe with us today! We get such good feedbac=
k whenever Karen posts! Let us join Karen for a CUP!

After Dewey asked me to write, I pray=
ed. After I prayed, Dewey said to write something about the theme of DDC: F=
ruit and God/not luck, I went to the Lord in Prayer and this is what the Lo=
rd has given me to share with you Today.
I believe that 1st we=
must know the love of God =E2=80=93where trust and faith begin to grow. Th=
en we can apply God=E2=80=99s unconditional love to our life (1 Co 13:4-8) =
of being patient and kind when it hurts our ego, pride and selfish ambition=
the most. THEN, we can take a look to see IF the FRUIT of the SPIRIT is&nb=
sp;[active or inactive] in our life! Here=E2=80=99s our scale t=
o see how we are measuring in God=E2=80=99s eyes=E2=80=9D
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, k=
indness, goodness, faithfulness, 
23 gent=
leness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
From Page 198 of The Train Whistle, S=
ounding the Call of God=E2=80=99s Love:
Words Are Powerful
Words can be the difference in where =
we show our appreciation and acknowledgment: toward God or claiming success=
as a boast in ourselves. Words reflect our hearts to show if we choose to =
praise and thank God or ignore what God has done. Regardless of our opinion=
on this, God hears our words, and we either praise and thank God in all th=
at we do or we shun him sometimes.
Luck seems to be an all-A=
merican word, and although seemingly innocent, luck is attached to e-mails =
and is ultimately where some people place their hope. Luck differs from fai=
th in that in faith, there is no doubt, but in luck, there is. Luck is base=
d on a collision of accidents. Faith is based on our hope in all that Jesus=
has done. Good luck to you has a nice sound and is meant =
well, but luck has no attachment to God=E2=80=99s good will. Instead, we sh=
ould say: if it is the Lord=E2=80=99s will, then you will be blessed by you=
r faith.
We are blessed by God=E2=80=99s grace=
that he has given us through our faith in Jesus Christ, not by luck. A mor=
e powerful expression of words directs focus onto God=E2=80=99s good will i=
n his perfect guidance of his wisdom, where we are truly promoted in our li=
ves that God has given us to live. Be blessed reminds us t=
o focus on our gifts that are received from God with a grateful heart, givi=
ng God praise and thanksgiving at the same time.
Luck indicates by acciden=
t or good fortune and by means gained by our own efforts alone without a ne=
ed for God=E2=80=99s help. However, ablessing acknowledges what=
God has done. Give God the glory for the good things that happen your way =
and watch God bless you even more when the going gets tough. Not by=
chance or reason
, but by the grace of God.
Words can offer than=
ks, and with our words we can serve the Lord. We have a ch=
oice to choose our words carefully. Experiencing positive words changes our=
perspective in experiencing God.
To say =E2=80=9CI am blessed=E2=80=9D=
or =E2=80=9CIt was a blessing=E2=80=9D serves God more than saying what th=
e world says: =E2=80=9CIt was luck=E2=80=9D or =E2=80=9CI am lucky.=E2=80=
=9D There is a power in our words.
But I tell you=
that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every carele=
ss word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by y=
our words you will be condemned (
Matthew 12:36-37 (see also Proverbs 16=
Truthful lips =
endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment (
Proverbs 12:19)=
Blessings and curses come from what w=
e allow our tongues to say (see James 3:10). God hears every word that come=
s out of our mouths. Be careful for twenty-one days and challenge your hear=
t to guard your tongue. Watch your luck change to being blessed in all that=
you do.
Out of the sam=
e mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Do not le=
t any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful fo=
r building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those wh=
o listen. Simply let your =E2=80=9CYes=E2=80=9D be =E2=80=9CYes,=E2=80=9D a=
nd your =E2=80=9CNo,=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CNo=E2=80=9D; anything beyond this co=
mes from the evil one (
James 3:10; Ephesians 4:29; Matthew 5:37 see als=
o James 3:2-8).
My Statement of Faith
The Train Whistle is all about God, d=
one all for the glory of God, written in the name of God=E2=80=99s Son, Jes=
us, and through the work of the Holy Spirit, according to God=E2=80=99s hol=
y Word, as much as God enabled me to know and write. It is the Holy Spirit =
who gives me the inspiration and words to write, and it is the Holy Spirit =
who will convict our hearts to know the truth.
=E2=80=9CDo not conform any longer=
to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your m=
ind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God=E2=80=99s will is =
=E2=80=93his good, pleasing and perfect will 
(Romans 12:2).)
The greatest reward that I can receiv=
e by writing The TrainWhistle will be when someone underst=
ands the deeper meaning in the title. It will be the spirit of God whom bri=
ngs you understanding. I hope that every time you hear the train whistle ca=
ll out, you will stop, seek, and listen for God=E2=80=99s truth as you thin=
k of him.
From Constance in Canada as she reads=
The Train Whistle, =E2=80=9COur prayers lay the=
track down on which God’s power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his po=
wer is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails. =E2=80=93
Watchman Nee
I believe that 1=
st =
we must learn to walk with Jesus in our own life, but there is MORE to our =
life than just our self! We are here for a purpose set in us by God, becaus=
e HE loves us all so much! We are to share the light we find in our darkest=
days, because of the hope we have in Christ and we are season despair with=
the favour of God for others to see that there is something far greater at=
the end of every trial!
Things only happ=
en for 2 reasons:
God is directly =
blessing us and HE does so every day!
God gives permis=
sion for trials and tests to come, BUT not without a GOOD purpose!

Romans 8;28 is m=
y life verse and I find that I can apply it every day to my life unconditio=
I had one thing =
that I had realized during the recent passing of my dad that I believe it i=
s the time to share if you would care to read. I have written the following=
in a collection of short writings, called 
=E2=80=9CA Soul Never Dies =E2=80=A6 A True Story of When Grace Shows U=
The Sugar Tree
One of the great=
est childhood memories I have is an old fashioned sugar tap in an old Maple=
tree that my grandfather would collect the sugar from in buckets that he w=
ould hang on the active sugar tap that was implanted in the tree.

Fuzzy Anderson s=
=E2=80=9CMost people go to church =
and get that sugar in the sweet word of God, but only take a handful of the=
sweetness with them. Then, use a little here and a little there and then t=
hrow the rest away not realizing the value of what they hold in the palm of=
their hand.=E2=80=9D
The knowledge we=
gain from the Word of God is like the sugar flowing free from a sugar tapp=
ed Maple tree!
We get that know=
ledge flowing in our mind and the tap kind of hurts most times because it w=
ill mean we will need to change our mind and ways of thinking as we receive=
the sweet Word of God. But, as that sugar flows and drips through our mind=
to fill that bucket that collects in our heart, we fill up full of sweetne=
ss =E2=80=93super-natural (spiritual) God knowledge and love until it is ti=
me to overflow!
For a time, afte=
r that season of growth in the Lord, it will be comfortable, but God wants =
=E2=80=93and calls us to grow; so like a new tap is placed in a sugar tree,=
our mind needs to be tapped into God=E2=80=99s good Word and tests and tri=
als we will go through, but not alone when we are tapped into that faithful=
sugar tree!
God=E2=80=99s sw=
eet word will drip from our mind and into our heart if we will endure =E2=
=80=A6It takes time to fill a bucket with just one drip at a time=E2=80=A6b=
y God=E2=80=99s own design!
However, accordi=
ng to God=E2=80=99s purpose and time, our =E2=80=9Cheart bucket=E2=80=9D wi=
ll be full of God=E2=80=99s sweetness and be ready to overflow, if we will =
endure patience.
The tapping of the tree The sugar that will flow

The tapping of our mind The sweetness of God=E2=80=99s Wor=

The Bucket full Knowledge, Wisdom, Discernment,

=E2=80=A6but most of all Love.

The heart is prepared Peace & Joy =E2=80=93Love is the=
sweetness of God

Love is Patient and Kind.
Love and Prayers in Christ,
Karen Rowe, Foun=
der of Hope in Today Ministries | Author of The Train Whistle
Sounding the Call of God=E2=80=99s Love
919-357-5154 (cell) 

Thank you so much Kar=
en! We love you and yours!

For God’s Glory Alone=
in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. Be assured my friends, your gift&nb=
sp;will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry&nbsp=
out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
 – we will take you off this email list asa=

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