American TV may get worse with Frontal Nudity and more cussing

Federal Communications Commission

Federal Communications Commission

Full frontal nudity and cursing may soon be allowed on broadcast TV.

The Federal Communications Commission wants to loosen on nudity and expletives, including the “F-word.” This would include hours when children may be watching.

In the years since the pop start Janet Jackson’s Superbowl “wardrobe malfunction,” the FCC has faced a large number of obscenity complaints.

But then the U.S. Supreme Court decided in 2012 that the FCC rules were not clear enough. The court ruled that the commission should not fine broadcasters when they can’t know in advance what might happen during certain programming, especially live events.

Since that ruling, the FCC has reduced its backlog of more than 1 million complaints by 70 percent, mainly by dropping cases altogether.

Now the FCC is seeking permission to stop enforcing strict standards and target only the most egregious violations.

Nevertheless, they are allowing public input on the decision during the month of April.

If you’d like to register your opinion with the FCC, the American Family Association is rallying viewers to register their complaints. They’ve released the following the directions to assist anyone who opposes the move.

  1. Please follow these instruction carefully, to ensure your comment is accepted by the FCC:
  2. Go to the FCC website.
  3. Enter the code “13-86” in the “Proceeding Number” box and fill out the few remaining required fields.
  4. Enter your comment in the text box provided and click “Continue.”
  5. From there, review your comment and click “confirm.”