He called his servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said to them, Occupy till I come


dailyDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,


 Thank you for coming by for a CUP






Sharon and I had such a blessed time on God Answers Prayer yesterday on KCHF with host Ted Gonzales. We thank Ted, Annette and all at Son Broadcasting to share about FGGAM and how this has made our marriage stronger and also about the vision God has given us about the role He has for FGGAM.


 Yesterday I stressed that we must walk with Jesus Christ. We must not turn to the right or left. You look at the United States right now and it’s like a drunk driver weaving in the traffic of life! America is under the influence of satan. Making Pot legal in parts of this country and now we have to be more concerned about pot heads driving, if drunk driving is not enough to be concerned about!!!! Pot and booze are ruining the life of so many! Are you standing in the gap for God? 




Ezekiel 13:5




You have not gone up into the gaps or breeches, not built up the wall for the house of Israel that it might stand in the battle in the day of the Lord.




You and I must stand in the gap for God, if not us who? 




Ezekiel 22:30




And I sought a man among them who should build up a wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none.




Let it not be said of us that we did not stand in the gap for God.




I am very concerned as to where we are going as a Church and Country. Many are caving to satan. We should not complain but seek Godly solutions, and one of those is carrying out the Great Commission and sharing Jesus Christ with the natural mind that is limited to human reason and resources, we are seeing this play out all over our World.




Human history shows that the natural mind becomes progressively self-destructive if left to its own desires. People who are directed by their natural minds walk in darkness.




The Word of God says, the mind of the natural man is BLINDED, 2 Cor.4:4, DEPRAVED Romans 1:28, CORRUPT 1 Timothy 6:5, UNSPIRITUAL Col. 2:18




We are to be Salt and Light to the darkness of this World. We must share the Love of Jesus Christ to all. Show them the way!




France is now the 14th Country to adopt same-sex marriage, it is spreading across the globe, and tonight in Santa Fe, NM a very important meeting at City Council Chambers, as Santa fe considers the same-sex marriage agenda.




What I want you to do now is click on this Post from FGGAM about tonight’s meeting in Santa Fe and what took place in France yesterday:









I see so clearly the movement of satan in the United States, this is Spiritual Warfare! I pray for those so called Christians that are afraid of Spiritual warfare and do not believe in it.



We must walk with Jesus Christ every moment of our days and continue to seek Him and His way.We must not cave, we are called by our Lord to OCCUPY until He returns. OCCUPY and be Salt and Light to the World,  Bring people into His Kingdom  to make the Kingdom visible to the World! 




 He called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said to them, Occupy till I come.



Luke 19:13




Pls pray & add to Cup.  Joyce is wife of founding pastor Errol Stepp of Valley View Christian Church she has Ovarian cancer spreading to liver.  Need prayer warriors.
Thank you
Pastor Leonard
We are praying for complete healing for complete healing in the name of Jesus!



 We have been praying for Jolene who has breast cancer, she has  pneumonia and is in the Hospital. The Chemo wore down her immune system. We pray for complete healing in the name of Jesus!




We continue to pray for Cowboy Clarence who is in the Hospital with Influenza. We pray for complete healing in the name of Jesus, AMEN!  




The Daily CUP was founded by God to bring Christians together to pray. This is the 16th year of the CUP! Today Darlene Quiring shares on Prayer:



As Christians, we have the responsibility and privilege to pray. To have open communication with the One and Only true God.  WOW!  Have you ever really thought about what that means.  How praying should be considered an honor and a blessing, that we, mere mortals have access to the King of Kings!  And yet, how many times do we take this opportunity for granted, how often do we ‘forget’ that we have the ability to call on the name Jesus.

God desires a personal relationship with each of us.  A relationship that involves 2 way communications.  Just like talking or hanging out with a friend.  This type of relationship cannot grow if it is not nurtured.  If we are not praying, we are missing out on so many blessings that God wants us to have.  But we have to choose.  We have to decide that prayer is important, and the only we can prove that desire, is by praying.  God knows our hearts, he knows what we are going to say or pray before we say it.

So, whats the point?  God already knows, why bother putting a voice to it (even if only in our head).  Why should we purposely pray?

It’s all about our choice.  If we want that personal relationship with God, then we are willing to purposely pray.  When I say purposely, I don’t mean only those times when we need something.  I mean choosing to pray when life is good, when making a decision, when someone asks us to. . .  Praying throughout the day.  When we choose to have this ongoing conversation with God, it becomes second nature.  We no longer have to think about it, we just do it.

I struggle with letting God speak, do you?

Praying isn’t something I’ve had many problems with, at least in the terms of an ongoing conversation.  But doesn’t a conversation involve 2 voices?  It is so easy to let my ‘conversations’ become one-sided.
Now, some of you reading this are starting to question my sanity. Why would God even bother with me?

Because of Jesus. Because God cares about each and every one of us, even when we forget to pray, even when we reject Him. God still loves us, so much that He sent is one and only Son to die so that we could be forgiven, so that we could beworthy of Heaven.  Because its not about us, its never been about us. Its about God and how He can use us to bring His Glory to earth just as it is in Heaven.  How He can bless us beyond our wildest dreams.

We all need a reminder of how Great our God is and how much each individual matters to Him.
Okay, so we were talking about how I struggle with having a real conversation with God.  It’s so easy to just talk and talk and talk and talk and. . . you get the idea.  When are we ever going to learn to stop talking, and start to listen?  To let our minds stop spinning with the worries and thoughts of the world. God DOES speak. It may be different than the way he spoke to Adam in Eden, or the way He led Moses and His people out of Egypt, or the way He spoke to His disciples while Jesus was on Earth. But He still talks to us, we just aren’t listening. . .

Seth Barnes, founder of Adventures in Missions, wrote a book called The Art of Listening Prayer: Finding God’s Voice Amidst Life’s Noise (affiliate). In this book, Seth shares his view on what Listening Prayer is and strategies that we can use to incorporate a more meaningful prayer life that is more dialogue than monologue.  I highly encourage you to check out his book so that YOU can begin to recognize God’s voice.

With all of that said, there are still going to be times when God does not speak.  Of course, just because we don’t hear God doesn’t mean He isn’t talking.  We need to examine our own lives, our own heart.  Are we living our life in a way that glorifies Him?  Are we trying to block Him out, because of fear of His response?  Or maybe we need to seek Him in His words in the Bible.  There are countless reasons why God may seem or is being silent, but God is always with us. He promises never to forsake us.
Thanks to Darlene Quiring a lover of Jesus Christ from Mt. Lake Minnesota, you can also check out her postings at www.fggam.org We love you Darlene!




April 24, 2013. My creation and bringing you forth was all My perfect design. You are exactly what I desired. I constantly delight Myself over you. You were filled with love and kindness from the beginning. People are drawn to you like bees to pollen and nectar of flowers. By your love and kindness, you cause people to desire My presence. With Me, you cause the people who receive your love and kindness to multiply and continue the chain creation and bringing forth. Your greatest days are ahead. Overcome the world for Me.
Psalm 139:14 (NASB) “I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.” Ras Robinson
(Announcement: Kevin Robinson returns as a prophetic writer. We welcome him back. Many of you have written about missing him.)
April 24, 2013. There is absolutely no reason to fear what is happening. I am taking care of you and have been all your life. Even though many times you were not aware of Me or what I was doing. Yes there are some problems, but haven’t there always been? You have, for the most part, worked through the problems and have learned wisdom as a result. You are continuing to lean on Me for the solutions. Because of that, I am preparing others to ask your help in knowing My ways.
Psalms 33:18 (AMP) “Behold, the Lord’s eye is upon those who fear Him [who revere and worship Him with awe], who wait for Him and hope in His mercy and loving-kindness,”  Bev Robinson
Scroll down and see what is happening in ministry to the children.
April 24, 2013. You delight My soul more than you can or could ever imagine. The way you move has Me mesmerized each and every day. Pay close attention to the words I speak specifically to you. Let pinpoint obedience be a way of life for you. Delight yourself in Me as I have done so with you. Keep an attitude of awe concerning Me and the way I move and have My being. My joy and happiness are yours for the taking. Hold fast to My directives placed before you and live.
Psalm 119:77 (NLT) “Surround me with your tender mercies so I may live, for your instructions are my delight.”  Kevin Robinson 
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

Visit us today!


If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- https://fggam.org/donate.html then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.com.

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