Let us come together in prayer for Robin, Lauri, Keith, and Ron


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Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

For this cause we bow our knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus=
Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named. That He wou=
ld grant us, according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened&n=
bsp;with might by His Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in our=
hearts by faith.Amen and Amen! 

Hi Dewey

As you know=
, I have been asking for healing
Prayers for=
5 months. Now, I just want a diagnosis
No matter w=
hat it is. I am getting weaker by
The day and=
am afraid of losing everything. As a federal
Employee, I=
don’t get disability and have used
Up my sick =
days a long time ago. I have mold
Inspectors =
coming today. Please pray that
Anything hi=
dden would finally be exposed.
Thank you v=
ery much. I thought your readers
Could pray =


We are praying for healing Robin and&nbsp=
resources for you! We love you! We pray for exposure =
of all evil and sickness with HEALING! 

We have also been praying for Lauri who h=
as cancer. Lauri and her husband are in Mexico seeking treatment at the Oas=
is of Hope in Tijuana. This is Dr. Contreras hospital, I have interviewed h=
im a couple of times. a Godly man.

Through my friend Sonja in Arizona we have come to know Keith and Lauri..=

I thought you might like to read this…..God is good and Keith=
and Lauri have such wonderful attitudes!  Thank you for your prayers!=
Day 1

Written 18 hours ago
Well, day 1 was….different than I was =
expecting.  I truly don’t know just what I was expecting, but it wasn’=
t this! 
Things are so different in this Mexican =
hospital than what we’re used to in the States.  Today consisted of a =
lot of sitting and waiting and wondering.  Finally the doctor showed u=
p and ultimately a treatment plan was put in place.
They inserted a N-G tube this afternoon =
because Lauri has such a difficulty swallowing.  Her swallow reflex ha=
s had issues making it difficult to keep her hydrated and nourished.&n=
bsp; She didn’t care too much for that process!
So, tomorrow things will start in ernest=
.  We received Lauri’s treatment program, as was explained to me in mo=
stly Spanish!  Did I mention earlier that I don’t speak Spanish?!

I still have a strong sense that this is=
where God was leading us.  God doesn’t make mistakes. 
So, please keep praying.  I’m sure =
I’ll have more to report tomorrow!

Day 2

Written 1 hour ago
Well, Lauri now has a =
feeding tube through her nose.  So that means she finally is getting s=
ome nourishment.  I can see the difference already in that she’s now g=
etting too warm under the stack of sheets she had piled on top of her.&nbsp=
; I think because of now having some calories to burn she’s able to generat=
e some body heat.  So that’s good!
Today they will now st=
art with all the other treatments that are in store for her.  I’m anxi=
ous to observe them and then also watch Lauri over the next several days!

They’re saying that if=
she responds well to the feeding tube and starts getting stronger, they wi=
ll consider surgically performing a gastrostomy.  They could then put =
more food directly into her stomach until the day she is strong enough and =
can swallow well enough to eat on her own.  Then they would surgically=
close it again.
I can now grind Lauri’=
s pills and add them to her food mixture that then goes through her N-G tub=
e.  So, now she doesn’t have to swallow them anymore.  She’s happ=
y about that.  The swallowing was emotionally hard on her.  It wo=
uld depress her.
So, it’s Day 2 here, a=
nd I’m feeling like they have a plan in place for Lauri.  It’ll make m=
e feel even better to see them get going on the plan today!!
Yesterday, I thought L=
auri was sleeping, but she only had her eyes shut.  Her breathing was =
labored somewhat, and yet, she was humming the tune “Our God Is An Awesome =
And yes He is!  I=
‘ll end with that!!
Let us pray for Robin,=
Lauri and Kieth and also keep Ron Bernard in your prayers as he has cancer=
For God’s Glory Alone!=
AMEN! Sharon and I are thankful for you all! The Body of Christ coming tog=
ether in prayer! 
w.fggam.org ;

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