Over 7,000 Divorces in Bernalillo County in 2012: We offer help



 I had a working lunch this week with Michael Holland of the Family Life Line based in Rio Rancho, NM




Photo: Great working lunch meeting with my Dear Friend Michael Holland of Family Life Line we are talking about a series of conferences with Family Life Line and FGGAM Get this Family Life Line has a 85% success rate helping couples whose marriages are in distress!!!!  Praise God For Gods Glory Alone we are thankful Michael and Rebecca Holland are part of FGGAM as they post on a regular basis on our web site!!! www.fggam.org We are here to not only state problems but to offer Godly solutions



Michael is such a wonderful friend and inspiration,. You can read his posts on our web site at www.fggam.org


We had a wonderful meeting! Get this We here at FGGAM are about bringing you information from a Biblical perspective and putting forth Biblical solutions to problems through our Preaching and Teaching. If you remember I shared this stat with you a couple of weeks ago that there were over 7,000 divorces in Bernalillo County in 2012! UGH! UGH! Part of the solution to this is the Family Life Line. Michael shared with me that they have a 85% success rate with couples that come to them in distress! Get a load of that! That should be headlines in every newspaper in America!!!!! If a couple will go to just 8 hours of pre-martial counseling (we would pray they would go for more than that) 8 hours reduces divorce by 50%!!!! This is why I will not marry anyone without pre-martial counseling, too many Pastors are marrying people without this valuable, Godly counseling! Now if a couple will commit to 4 to 6 months of Godly marriage mentoring with another couple the divorce rate falls all the way to 3 to 8 percent! This is just outstanding! Thank you Lord for Michael and his lovely wife Rebecca! They have been doing marriage counseling for years, I have known them both for a long time. Now let me share this with you…..Divorce costs the State of New Mexico 230 million dollars a year.why? direct and indirect costs. 50% of divorced people fall below the poverty line in the first year, causing an impact on state and federal services. We are talking about a series of conferences on marriage, families, Prophecy  The World we live in, etc…..We will keep you posted. The Prophecy conference would be given by Pastor Paul Holt.


We all know that the sanctity of marriage is under attack. Sharon says we are living in a Gender-less society. Please look for Michael and Rebecca’s posts on FGGAM!






In Wednsdays Albuquerque Journal is the story of a man who shoots his ex in the stomach after their court hearing.This happened in Albuquerque. The women, thank our Lord, will survive. This just after charges of child abuse and domestic violence were dropped against the man. This is why we Preach and Teach Biblical principles in all things! We should expect more violence like this in an ungodly society! 




Then we have the 5 year old girl in kindergarten that decides she is boy, and her parents agree and get the school administrators and Teacher to call her a him. This is in Albuquerque, a Charter school. I became ill when I heard this story. As Sharon stated we are living in a Gender-less society. How messed up is this!!!??!!! We must be in prayer over all this. The damage being done to that little girl and then just think of her 5 year old classmates. Please be in prayer. 




As I shared a couple of weeks ago there are 4 Judges in Bernalillo County for Divorces/Domestic, each have over 1800 cases at this time!



  1. Variation in divorce rates by religion:
    Religion % have been divorced
    Jews 30%
    Born-again Christians 27%
    Other Christians 24%
    Atheists, Agnostics 21%

    Religion might not actually be helping the sanctity of marriage…

  2. Hi Gordon, Don’t know where you got your stats, but
    it’s not about Religion, it’s about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.I also wonder how many of the folks your talking about got pre-marital counseling and attend a Bible based Church and have a Pastor that they counsel with.Please let me know where you got these figures. Thanks for your comment, God Bless you!

  3. I too would like to respond to Gordon’s post. There is much research that shows the practice of religion in general helps to stabilize marriages, and in particular, the practice of Christianity also helps couples to stay together. I don’t have my reference material with me as I’m posting, but I do know that one study showed the divorce rate of couples who have an active prayer life together, is less than 1 in 10,000 couples.

    Gordon, could you please provide us the sources of your data? I will look to post more on this soon!

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