Pastor Saeed’s Health failing and now He is in Solitary


Pastor S


Let us be in constant prayer, AMEN!

Saeed Abedini, the American pastor imprisoned for his faith in Iran, is now in solitary confinement.

Family members have confirmed Pastor Saeed was sent there with nine other prisoners, with new reports indicating that in addition to the severe internal bleeding he is experiencing—which has gone untreated—he is a now facing issues with his kidneys.

According to the American Center for Law and Justice, the move comes after Saeed and others from Ward 350 petitioned Evin Prison about its inhumane conditions.

This latest very troubling development has Abedini’s wife, Naghmeh, extremely concerned.

“Saeed has internal bleeding and now issues with his kidneys because of the beatings,” Naghmeh says. “We believe that he is being beaten in solitary confinement. We have no way of finding out about his health. There will be no more visitations allowed and we will have no way of knowing how Saeed is doing.

“Saeed had previously told his family that when he was in solitary confinement in the past, that was the hardest time in his life,” Pastor Saeed’s wife said, “That every hour was like one year and that he was losing his memory and his health was deteriorating quickly.”


“Please pray for his health and healing,” she said. “Pray for his release. Pray that the Lord would use this for His Glory and salvation of many.”

The ACLJ spoke with a former Iranian political prisoner, who spent 15 years in an Iranian prison—including some time at Evin—about Pastor Saeed’s solitary confinement. He said, “Saeed was most likely on a list of prisoners the prison wants to break.” He explained that the prison officials keep a list of prisoners who have stood their ground refusing to repent of their faith or confess to their crimes.

“Prison officers use any prison resistance, regardless of whether the prisoner was involved in the resistance, to target and break those prisoners on their list,” he explained. “They took Saeed to solitary confinement to put pressure on his belief and faith. This shows that Saeed has stood strong for his faith.”

The latest developments underscore the brutality of Iran’s continued violation of human rights—imprisoning, torturing and refusing medical care for Abedini merely because of his faith. This treatment not only violates international law, but is abhorrent.

We know that a tactic used by the Iranians is to place prisoners in solitary confinement in an effort to get them to give into the demands of prison officials—in Abedini’s case, to recant his Christian faith. He continues to refuse to do so, and the only thing sustaining Abedini at this time is his Christian faith. We know that continues to provide him with strength and comfort during this most challenging time.

All of this is unfolding just days Abedini Saeed turns 33 on May 7. More than 42,000 people have already sent Abedini a birthday greeting—letters that we are personally delivering to Evin Prison. These are letters of prayer, support and encouragement. They are needed now more than ever. Please take a moment, if you haven’t done so already, and send a letter to Pastor Saeed today, his 216th day of imprisonment.


Find out how you can pressure Iran with letters to Saeed at


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