Santa Fe City Council to vote April 24th on same-sex marriage


SantaFeOn March 19 Santa Fe Mayor Coss and Councilor Patti Bushee published a Resolution declaring homosexual “marriage” legal in New Mexico and urged County Clerks to begin issuing licenses to same-sex couples.  During Santa Fe City Council meeting of Wednesday, March 27 homosexual couples lobbied the City Council for same-sex “marriage.” The Resolution itself did not appear on the agenda.


The next regularly scheduled City Council meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. and at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10The Christian communities’ opportunity to speak to the Council on the issue of homosexual “marriage” will be at the 7:00 p.m. as portion of the “Petitions from the Public” agenda item.


The Mayor announced that a vote by the Council will be taken at the following meeting, on April 24. (Note that our previous reported that it was to occur today, April 4, was in error. The Mayor tends to drop his “t”s. )


The following is the Resolution’s timeline:


March 19,         Resolution Introduced, Homosexual Community Mobilizes

March 27          The Homosexual Community Lobbies the City Council

April 10,           Christian Community Has a Opportunity to Testify

April 24,            Homosexual “Marriage” Resolution Comes to a Vote


The issue is this: “Does the Mayor of Santa Fe with the backing of the homosexual community, whose numbers are less than 3% of the population, have the right to dictate to the City and the State the issuance of an illegal same-sex “marriage” license?”


We urge the Christian community to address this issue next Wednesday, April 10.

Or we can allow the unabated homosexual agenda to take over our government, schools and eventually our churches.


Please wear a white shirt or jacket in solidarity and join us a half-hour before the meeting for the Prayer Circle.



Yours in Christ,

Jose Vasquez


New Mexico Watchman
 Be strong and courageous. Joshua 1:9