Talk with God to start your day and then have a CUP with us!


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Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Thank you fo=
r being here at the CUP! We Love and cherish you!

Discovering and doing God’s Will is everything……EVERYTHING!=
AMEN! Don’t let the world rewrite your life script.

Read that again, do not conform to this w=
orld……….it’s all about God and what He is calling you to do! AMEN!

Here is a devotional I posted yesterday at&=

God =
has moved me to share this with you this day=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=
God =
has shown me this morning that many of you are at this point:
If y=
ou are reading God=E2=80=99s Word and praying but having a problem where yo=
u feel out of touch with God, your not hearing from Him, something in your =
life may be preventing you from having the ultimate conversation with Him!

Our =
heavenly Father has the power to root out whatever is impeding your re=
lationship with Him. Seek the Lord=E2=80=99s face now a=
nd listen=E2=80=A6Amen!
m 46:10 Be still and know that I am God
I am=
praying for you this day!
Very interesting what God is doing here at FGGAM. I see another&nbsp=
;reason very clearly why God moved us into FGGAM.
This pa=
st friday I spent 5 1/2 hours with a Dear Friend of thi=
s Ministry. He is a Christian man whose wife left him. He could not af=
ford an attorney and I went with him to a mediation hearing. He did no=
t want a divorce but his wife filed. He did not go to his Pastor for help. =
I am finding more and more people who have a church but do not go to their =
Pastor for help. I am told the reasons are many. The one that given the mos=
t is, I AM TOO EMBARRASSED, the second, MY PASTOR IS TO BUSY. This com=
es from people who are really tied into their church with activities and al=
so those that “belong” but do not attend often. Last week was a very busy w=
eek for counseling. When I went to that mediation session on friday I could=
feel and see the darkness. We prayed and by the end the light of Jesus Chr=
ist prevailed in protection for our friend. We also have a friend=
who is under great persecution at the work place. We were able to have a b=
it of break through on that also on friday by getting some good help. =
This is a gap that God has 
anointed us me to stand =
in for Him. As Kay Hendrickson FGGAM Board members says, “FGGAM is a church=
without walls.” 

I share this with you so that you can see what this ministry&nb=
sp;is doing, I get asked a lot, “Where is your church ” We do not=
have a church, God has put us out into the world to help one person at a t=
ime. Hard concept for some, for others they get excited in the Lord in what=
we are doing. This is not us, it is of God, for His glory alone!=
There is turmoil all over! Turmoil does not have a zip code=
. Many do not have money for counseling, we do not charge, we cannot help e=
verybody and we try to refer them to people that may be able to help, and m=
any do not have insurance. This is a DEEP need, a role that God has an=
ointed us for.
Get this, I learned at the mediation hearing that f=
or the first time 
Bernalillo County went over 7,000 divorces in 2012, a new reco=
rd for a one year period.
We have a problem that is increasing. The four Judges=
in Bernalillo County that handle divorces and domestic issues ha=
ve over 1,800 cases before each of them at this time.
I find that so many people are out of touch with God. They start mak=
ing decisions without God. Many just need help getting their life=
back in line with God.

Have we made it so complicated for people?
The Church has more programs, product than Wal-Mart! 
Why does 80% of America stay at home on Sundays?

It is easy to get discouraged, but I see first hand what God can do =
and is doing in the lives of many!
People want to have hope!

At FGGAM the worst part of this is asking for love offerings to cont=
inue, would you please pay forward what others cannot? This is not about us=
, it is about God, all about God and His people.
Would y=
ou be a fruit tree for the Kingdom of God by giving to FGGAM so we can cont=
inue on 
 the light of Jesus Christ to one p=
erson at a time? You can give on line at at www.f= ;
You als=
o can mail your love offering to FGGAM PO BOX 65516 Albuquerque, NM 87193
also have to pay for our radio and TV time.
Make su=
re and catch Pastor Paul Holt and myself on KDAZ AM730 today at Noon! Liste=
n on line ;
We are =
blessed as to what the Lord is doing with FGGAM! WOW! We have added Pastor =
Derek Smith of Legacy Church to do news commentary, Michael Holland the Dir=
ector of the Family Life Line to write on marriage and families, Dr. Joe Fa=
wcett on health. Last week we added Dr. Guy Clark and expert on the destruc=
tion of gambling and Chuck Ring’s excellent news posts. God has put 
together an AWESOME group of writers for His Glory Alone! =
Visit us and see all the posts from all the other Godly people we have post=
Now click on this for more news………….
You gotta read this post at FGGAM:

I also encourage you to watch the most recent Dewey a=
nd Firends where State Senator Bill Sharer sit’s 
down with me to talk brass tacs…….

April 8, 2013. Wise counsel advises that you seek wise counsel=
. The Lord is your most important portal to godly wisdom. Begin with Jesus.=
Wisdom is precious and highly desired. Ask Him and He will answer you. Som=
etimes He doubles the wisdom you seek, giving unexpected insight and revela=
tion. Focus on Him who lives within you. Jesus is your living hope and is e=
ternally in and as near as your heart. Take advantage and simply turn over =
your life and its issues to Him. He will wisely act and all will be better.=
Proverbs 8:17-18 (AMP) (Wisdom speaks) “I love those wh=
o love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me. Riches=
and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness (uprightness in e=
very area and relation, and right standing with God).” Ras Rob=
Subscribe to “What th=
e Lord Is Saying Today” 
April 7, 2013. Don’t predetermine what is wasting your ti=
me. Some of the things you think waste time are the ways you have been&nbsp=
programmed. These ar=
e things others have said or that have bombarded your mind through the worl=
d’s ways. I continue training you. My way to refresh you is geared to the w=
ay I have made you. Think back and you will see ways I have led and restore=
d you all your life. Now be at peace. Follow Me and My ways to give you hea=
lth. You are precious to Me.
James 4:14-15 (NASB) “Yet you do not know what your lif=
e will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little whi=
le and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, w=
e will live and also do this or that.” Bev Robinson

As we close enjoy this video!

This is about living a successf=
ul life

For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lor=
d Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. Be assured&n=
bsp;my friends,
 your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering&nbs=
the ministry work the Lord has lai=
d up
on us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
 – we will take you off this email list asa=

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