Another thought about words: I keep hoping some of them will die but they just won’t. Expressions like, “my bad” or “come with” just sound stupid to me. My personal “pet” peeve is Dawg. “What up Dawg? No way, Dawg!” On and on it goes. It sounds tired and passé but still it lives on in some conversations. And nearly as bad is Dawg’s close cousin Dude. Often dude is a full sentence all by itself and has many meanings according to the way it’s uttered and the body language accompanying it. It just seems to sustain its own life with no end in sight.
Ebonics is an entire language that I don’t quite understand. Where did the need come from to develop a deviated version of a perfectly good language? What are the rules? No kidding, I wish someone would explain it to me. Please send me the style manual and dictionary so I’m not making gross errors in my attempt to decipher its meaning.
When a girl is described as “cool” this is a reference to her personality. When she is said to be “hot” the reference is to her appearance. I think “cool” probably referred to both back in the ‘50s. Meanings change but some expressions don’t go away. Sucks is another really lovely word used freely to describe something bad. Who started that and why? Let’s find him…he should be punished!
The all-time great misused and over-used word has to be awesome. Well, it is an awesome word! The Webster’s definition of awe is, “To strike or inspire with reverential fear or respect.” How many times have you heard (or maybe even said) something like, “This restaurant is awesome…that guy is awesome…the cake here is awesome.” I can honestly say I’ve never felt reverential fear or respect for a restaurant, any human or even the cake at Claim Jumper. I know I’m guilty of misusing the word, but truly it should be reserved for God or some of His majestic creations.
Dude! I’ve used up my quota of words so um, like if you can think of another truly bad expression that won’t die, post it for all to see. Fo shizzo!
Diane Markins
Diane Markins
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