Call out to God!


prayWelcome friends to Your Bible Boost. It is my prayer that for these few moments together that each one of us will be encouraged but also there will be a challenge for us to live our lives closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today’s Bible Boost comes from the Old Testament. 

Exodus 14:13 and 14… “But Moses told the people, ‘don’t be afraid.  Just stand still and watch the Lord RESCUE you today.  The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again.  The Lord himself will fight for you.  Just stay calm.” 

What an encouragement for each of us!

We have all heard so much talk from the president and congress on government bailouts, and stimulus financial plans.  We have heard that the government is coming to the rescue to bail out financial institutions, car makers, and even some of us with a small increase in the old pay check.  We have candidates who have already started their campaign speeches telling us that their plan will be to rescue us from a bloated and over stretched government intervention.  Plus we have seen where our government has come to the rescue of other countries who are suffering under dictatorships.

However, as we have seen from our bible boost for today that God specializes in the rescue business.  In Exodus, we read where God rescued His people from the Egyptians, Exodus 14; rescued his people from thirst, Exodus 15; rescued them from hunger, Exodus 16; from thirst again in Exodus 17 and rescued them from their enemies, also in Exodus 17.  WOW!  What a faith building study for our own personal journeys.  We see where when Israel called out to God, He came to the rescue.

I don’t know your about journey, but I suspect you are much like me.  We all face daily “situations” where we find ourselves in over our heads.  Maybe it’s a financial situation or a marital situation or an overwhelming situation at work.  We don’t know where to turn or how to overcome the situation.  Maybe it is a habit that has its claws buried deep into our spiritual walk.  Maybe it’s a sin, a circumstance, or deep spiritual struggle.  I venture to say that we each have these situations.

So, what does the Bible say about such difficult situations.  Well friends, we can learn tremendous lessons from how God came to the RESCUE for the children of Israel.  Over and over these Israelites called out to God for help.  And time after time God responded to rescue them.  Whether they were thirsty, overcome with hunger, or surrounded by the enemy; when they called out to God, HE RESCUED THEM.

So, my friend, whether you are caught in a habit, circumstance, situation or feel threatened on all sides…here’s God’s Word speaking to you…CALL OUT TO HIM.

Moses was so overwhelmed by God’s response that when he reached his father-in-law, Jethro, he couldn’t wait to tell him of all what God had done for the children of Israel.  Exodus 18:8 says, “Moses told his father in law everything the Lord had done to Pharoah and Egypt on behalf of Israel.  He also told about the hardships they had experienced along the way and HOW THE LORD HAD RESCUED his people from ALL their troubles.”  Did you hear that?  Moses told Jethro how GOD had rescued his people from ALL their troubles.  Not some, ALL.

So my friend no matter where you find yourself today be encouraged.  God is standing ready to rescue you from ALL your troubles.

So let us remember our bible boost for today from Exodus 14 verses 13 and 14. “But Moses told the people, DON’T BE AFRAID.  JUST STAND STILL AND WATCH THE LORD RESCUE YOU TODAY.  THE EGYPTIANS YOU SEE TODAY WILL NEVER BE SEEN AGAIN.  THE LORD HIMSELF WILL FIGHT FOR YOU.  JUST STAY CALM.”  (B0ld mine)

I am Leonard Navarre of Valley View Christian Church in Edgewood, New Mexico reminding you to call out to God and let God rescue YOU.
