Financial Help for Single Mom’s


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As a single mother, finances are just one of the many tasks that might plague you, but our site can help alleviate some of that stress. Here, you will find the latest financial help for single mothers. Whether you’re looking for information about buying a new home, getting out of debt, programs that provide support for single mothers, or if you want to find other single moms going through the same thing, we can help you with all your financial needs.


Take advantage of all the different areas has to offer. If you have ever thought about buying or selling a home, you can find tips and tricks on how to do so here. Everything you need to know about loans is here as well, whether you need a home loan, personal loan, business loan, or any others you can think of! There is also plenty of information about grants for single mothers, as well as other forms of financial support to help with the necessities. Knowing where to find the information you need is half the battle and we strive for uniqueness and ease. Whether you’re looking for information nationally or locally, you can find it here. You can also find information about healthcare, cars for moms, credit, grants, housing assistance, taxes, auto loans and financial assistance specifically for your state.


Financial help and planning is important at every stage of life, and it pays to get a jump start on your finances for future benefits. As a mother, you are constantly thinking about the future, whether it is your own or your child/children’s future. A few key things to keep in mind for financial planning and getting financial assistance are your job situation, daycare expenses, living expenses and the cost of education.


One important thing to remember: you’re not alone. There are other single moms out there going through similar situations. Sometimes it helps just to vent and give each other encouraging words. Through the single mom forums, you can talk about anything that might be on your mind and provide support for other moms.


As a single mom, your financial burden can be overwhelming and discouraging. With our help, advice and guidance, you will make it through these tough times and open doors you never thought possible.


Financial Support : How to Obtain State Assistance for Single Moms


Single moms need all the help they can get when it comes to financial assistance. But obtaining state assistance for single moms can seem like a daunting task. There are so many offices to consider, caseworkers to meet, requirements to obtain, and paperwork to fill out. The entire process can become overwhelming if you let it!


Breaking down information on how to obtain state assistance for single moms is the best way to ensure that you are doing all the right things without all the angst.


Start by calling your Department of Human Services office and ask about setting up an appointment. Some offices will require that you will out paperwork before your appointment is made — if that’s the case, go to the DHS office and fill out what is required of you. It’s usually only a short form that asks for basic information, including family composition, income, and the like.


When you arrive for your appointment, bring all the pertinent information with you. Your caseworker will need to see pay stubs if you have them, social security cards and/or birth certificates, proof of residency, proof of your utility bills and rent, and a statement concerning your situation with your child’s father — whether you are separated, divorced, never married, etc. If you have any court orders pertaining to child support and custody, bring those with you as well.


You might be asked to bring in further documentation, depending upon what you are applying for. Your caseworker will give you a list of what is needed, and you will generally have ten days to provide it. If you think you will have a problem getting the documentation, tell your caseworker immediately.


From that point on, you will get several notices in the mail, all concerning different aspects of your case. If you qualify for government resource or assistance, you will get information on that before you leave the office. Open each letter and read it carefully. Call DHS about anything you don’t understand. Don’t wait! The faster you move on your own case, the smoother the process will be.


Those receiving state assistance for single moms will have to “recertify” from time to time. This is simply a way of checking into the situation again to make sure things are the same, and what might have changed.


When you do visit DHS, ask them about all the aid you might qualify for. There could be something you didn’t know was available that could help you and your kids get on your feet. It’s always worth the asking!


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