Hard work and being nice still counts in more ways than one!


big tip

CeCe Bruce said she’s known for years that it pays to be nice. But she never realized just how much it could pay off until this week, when one of her regular customers rewarded her with a huge tip.

A part-time student at Martin University in Indianapolis, Ind., Bruce has worked as a waitress at a local Steak ‘n Shake restaurant for two years, according to NBC affiliate WTHR. Though she had received a few generous tips during that time, nothing had prepared her for the generosity of Miss Jo, a frequent patron of the restaurant.

When Bruce first picked up Miss Jo’s credit card receipt Wednesday morning, she said she thought the tip was $46, which she told WTHR would have been surprising enough, given that the bill was just $5.97. But the tip was actually a jaw-dropping $446.

“When I looked again, I said ‘Oh my gosh, Miss Jo, I’m not taking that!’ And she said, ‘Yes, you’re taking it,’ Bruce told WTHR.

Bruce’s general manager Greer Gooley said the waitress is worth every penny of the massive tip.

“She stays late, comes in early. Whenever we need her, she’s here. So she deserves it more than anyone,” Gooley told local station WISH. “It just lets servers know that you work hard and it does pay off. There are people out there that [if] you do your job people reward you for it.”

Bruce told WISH the money will go toward paying bills.


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