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God at work


Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,




May the peace and the strength of our Lord be with you and yours. Our Lord is the only one that can gives us TRUE PEACE and TRUE STRENGTH! The only one that can give you peace and strength at the same time, you can be peaceful and yet have the strength to bring down Goliath.










“When you’re doing the work of God, it’s easy to find the needed inspiration for the project. George Okpara, who raised money for repairs of the organ of Minnesota’s first Back Church.






I am very thankful to the Lord for what He is doing here at FGGAM, when God gives you a mission you must do it. You must put all your heart and soul into it.My life verse is, My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24




I become sad when people lose their passion for a ministry, or for anything God has given them. Have you had passion then lose it? Did God move you out or did you do it on your own? I have been teaching and preaching for years that we must have a personal relationship with God to hear Him speak to us through the Holy Spirit, our messenger of God. I get concerned when people tell me, The Lord has me moving in a different way……..yes that is possible, but is that God or you. I get this a lot in counseling, the Lord has told me……but we must be people of maturity and seek Godly counseling to make sure we are hearing from God and not just going off on our own because we want to. I thank the Lord for Spiritual discernment, it is something that the Lord has given me and is using me to counsel many. I am doing more counseling than ever,it seems that over the last 3 months the Lord has made that a focus of FGGAM. We do not charge. We depend on folks like you to support FGGAM. Counseling is draining. Emotionally and physically. I have people that text me everyday to let me know how they are doing. I do this with the Godly passion that has been given to me by Him. I do not just meet with these people, I love on them and stay in contact with them. Pastor Derek Smith of Legacy Church who is on Dewey and Friends this week said the Church needs to take people under their wing, and not just do a hit and run when folks join the church, the same holds true for counseling. 




If I cannot help a person I refer them. This is all about God and His people. I am in the trenches each day for God, for His glory alone. One person at a time. As we say at FGGAM, Bringing the light of Jesus Christ to the world, one person at a time.




God has given me this work to do. When that takes place, just like George said, When your doing the work of God inspiration comes easy. I get sad when other people don’t have that. I know the prescription for a life for God, I take it constantly everyday day, minute by minute, it’s the medicine of prayer, praise and listening to God. It beats everything!  




Are you living each moment of your life for God? 




Too many have the passion of a wet noodle! LOL! How about you? 




Read this please……….




I just want you to know that I am greatly encouraged by your CUPs.  You are such a prolific writer that I can’t keep up with all of them, but when I am able to take the time to read them, I am blessed and encouraged.  Know that you are doing what the Lord calls you to do, and I am doing likewise.  It is a blessing and a joy to be doing what God has called you to do.
Doug Brown




AMEN! Doug! 




Kind words are like honey—–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24



Thank you Doug!



Speak the love of Jesus into all around you this day and all days!




If we can help you, contact us at FGGAM. Please, we need your support as we do Radio today on KDAZ AM730, as we do our TV program every week on KAZQ, as we bring you the news and inspiration minute by minute atwww.fggam,org As we counsel many people, as we preach and teach, we need your financial giving.We are touching people all over the world, we know because of emails and web stats. We are helping change the hearts of people through our Lord Jesus Christ. Sharon is doing more preaching and teaching every month. It seems now she is the one preaching at teaching and I am doing more counseling. I did not see this coming! LOL LOL LOL, but see, it is what the Lord had and has planned, not me.




We man our office 24/7. 




Please today, would you give an online gift at or mail your love offering to FGGAM PO BOX 65516 Albuquerque, NM 87193, what we are praying for is more of a monthly base of supporters.




The George I quoted from was helping celebrate the 150th year of Minnesota’s first black church, founded by a former slave. You can read the whole post at:


Hickman, Robert T. (1831-1900)

Image Ownership: Public Domain

Robert Thomas Hickman, born enslaved in Missouri in 1831, is most noted for the group of slaves including his wife and young son, whom he led to freedom in Minnesota in 1863, and helping to establish the first African American church in St. Paul, Minnesota.  Hickman was born and reared near Boone, Missouri.  At a young adult Hickman worked near Boone as a rail splitter.  He was, however, allowed by his owner to learn to read and write.  Hickman also became a slave preacher for the people held in bondage in the area.

In 1863 Hickman led a group of Boone County slaves to their freedom.  Hickman and other fugitive slaves constructed a crude raft which they hoped would take them to freedom.  When Hickman and 75 black men, women and children were discovered adrift near Jefferson, Missouri, they were rescued and towed up river to St. Paul, Minnesota by the steamboat “Northerner.”  The “contrabands” arrived in St. Paul on May 5, 1863.

A second group of Missouri fugitive slaves reached St. Paul ten days later under the protective custody of Chaplain J.D. White and escorted by Company C of the 27th Iowa Regiment.  Although both groups were initially harassed by Irish dock workers in St. Paul, the men quickly found work as teamsters and laborers.

As the families settled into their new lives in Minnesota, Rev. Hickman sought a place of worship for these newcomers who called themselves “Pilgrims.”  After holding services in individual homes in St. Paul, in November, 1863 they succeeded in renting a room in a downtown concert hall.  In January 1864, Rev. Hickman and the Pilgrims received mission status from the First Baptist Church of St. Paul.  On November 15, 1866, Rev. Robert Hickman and the other migrants formally organized Pilgrim Baptist Church in St. Paul.  They celebrated the creation of the church with a baptismal service on the shores of the Mississippi River.

Despite his crucial role in getting the settlers to Minnesota and establishing Pilgrim Baptist Church, Hickman was not licensed to preach by the Baptist Church.  Thus between 1866 and 1877 two white ministers, William Norris and Andrew Torbert, led Pilgrim Baptist.  Eventually licensed to preach in 1874 and ordained the following year, Hickman became the congregation’s official minister in 1878.  Rev. Robert Hickman continued to lead the church until his retirement in 1886.  Robert Thomas Hickman died in St. Paul, Minnesota on February 6, 1900.

Pilgrim Baptist Church Website, https://www.pilgrimbaptistchurch.or/history.htm; David Vassar Taylor, “The Blacks” in June D. Holmquest, They Chose Minnesota: a Survey of the State’s Ethnic Groups (St. Paul:  Minnesota Historical Society Press 1982).

Black Genealogy Research Group

I also would encourage you to read this post by Shari: The worst lies:
June 22, 2013. You know the truth, don’t you? The truth is a person named Jesus. He resides within you. His presence within allows you to tap His wisdom for all your actions and decisions. He knows all things past, present and future. He knows what is around the corner and over the next mountain. He completely tracks and guards against the devil and his plans for you. Inside you, Jesus is the overcomer of evil, circumstances and all problems you can name. Commit yourself to His rule over all areas of your life.
Matthew 22:9-10 (MSG) “Go out into the busiest intersections in town and invite anyone you find to the banquet. The servants went out on the streets and rounded up everyone they laid eyes on, good and bad, regardless. And so the banquet was on-every place filled.”  Ras Robinson
Subscribe to “What the Lord Is Saying Today”
June 22, 2013. Choices are before you. Will you make the change or will you stay as you are?  Yes, I know you will begin the change because there is some excitement in making the change, but the change then needs to continue. You need to stay the course. Don’t fall back to the place where you were before you started. It’s exciting to begin, but not near as exciting as maintaining the right direction after you start. You have a goal in mind. Keep the faith to arrive at your destination. I am with you.
Galatians 6:9 (KJV) “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”  Bev Robinson
Scroll down and see what is happening in ministry to the children.
June 22, 2013. You’ve found it easy to pray and intercede for others. However, when it comes to yourself, you become quiet and unsure of how to pray. Now is not the time for passivity. Deferring to others is admirable and noteworthy, but don’t deny yourself of My blessings. Boldly make requests of Me. People have not because they ask not. Don’t be like the one who says, if only, or I thought I was being presumptuous with God. Be steadfast and unwavering in your approach with and to Me.
1 Chronicles 4:10  (NASB) “Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!” And God granted him what he requested.”  Kevin Robinson
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

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If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal

. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to

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