Sorry the CUP is late…………….



Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

So sorry for the late CUP!!!

Was blessed today to be Birga’s co-host on KDAZ AM730 Ray Davilla was in studio talking about his film project based on his book Black Journey. I think Birga landed a role in the movie!!!!!!!! I’ll be back with Birga one last time in the morning
Photo: Was blessed today to be Birga's co-host on KDAZ AM730 Ray Davilla was in studio talking about his film project based on his book Black Journey I think Birga landed a role in the movie!!!!!!!! I'll be back with Birga one last time in the morning

Its been a very busy morning being at KDAZ AM30 with Birga, such a blessed time. Was up working on posting news and inspiration at 4am ; Please pray for my day tomorrow, as I will fill in with Birga in the morning, tape 2 TV programs and then tomorrow night teach men’s Bible study at Valley View Christian Church at 7pm, you are welcomed to attend. Ray Davilla the movie producer was talking to me about the role of the OLD GUY who runs the Trading Post and drives an old pick up and drives fast and stirs up a lot of dust but doesn’t have much, if anything to say……..sounds like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL! That’s me raising a lot of dust and speeding away!!!!!!!!!!

I also got an email last night from Christian Movie Producer Alan Autry inviting me to come out to California on July 22nd as, Lord Willing, he launches the production of his latest Christian film project!

It’s been almost 2 months ago when I talked to Tom Lester, remember Tom? I have had him on my radio show’s in the past, was in Green Acres, played Eb, traveled with Billy Graham? He also is trying to produce a movie.

Please keep Ray Davilla, Alan Autry and Tom Lester in your prayers!

It is an exciting time in the Lord! Amen!

We have many news and inspirational posts at Many new postings just for you!

I found the following Devo by Ras, Bev, and Kevin such a blessing! I pray you do to……….

June 19, 2013. Never apologize for being blessed. Do not be ashamed that God’s hand of healing and arm of strength is yours. The Lord knows that sometimes believers get to thinking that hard times could not possibly be from the Lord. But everything that has life, experiences seasons. Nothing is certain in this life. Stay on your knees giving prayers and praises for everything God does. To be God conscious is to be eternally grateful to your God of impossibilities. If blessed, thank the Lord. If in hard times, thank the Lord.
Ecclesiastes 7:14 (NLT) “Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life.”  Ras Robinson
June 19, 2013. Whatever happens, and yes many things ahead are set to happen, keep your faith. I have not turned against you. You are not going the wrong way. You are right on track. Your faith is being tried, but I am with you. After these trials you will come out in a better place. You will come out in a broad place, a place where there is no contention. I know now it’s humbling, but humility is a character quality everyone needs. But you specifically need humility because many blessings are coming.
1 Peter 1:7 (NLT) “These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold-though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.”  Bev Robinson
Scroll down and see what is happening in ministry to the children.
June 19, 2013. Saying you are available and then leaving doubts to others of not fulfilling committed responsibilities is sending what message? Being found trustworthy is a character quality lacking in the world around you. Let your actions line up with your words. Live your life filled with godly values, because you represent Me. As My disciple, live on a higher plane. Join Me in the fellowship of sufferings. When you don’t feel up to a task you have agreed to do, complete and finish your work with distinction. Thoroughly demonstrate My ways.
Proverbs 22:1 (NASB) “A good name is to be more desired than great wealth, favor is better than silver and gold.”  Kevin Robinson

For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

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Thank you,

Dewey Moede

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