America’s Economic woes….Let us look toward Peru for the true way of Revival!



“He is a God who wants you to spend eternity with Him, but He’s a God who cares about practical life.” –Johnny Enlow

Peruvian praying(Peru)—The poor country of Peru has been experiencing an economic revival that has tripled their economy in the last decade. (Photo: Charisma News)


However, the economic front is not the only place where revival and growth is being experienced.

According to a Charisma News report, there is also a rapidly-increasing spiritual revival encompassing the South American country.

Peru has seen the number of Born-again Christians rise “dramatically,” says the Charisma Newsreport. The Evangelical population reportedly grew from “single digits to 12.5 percent in 2007.”

Peru MapThis year’s tally of Evangelical Christians in Peru is estimated around 17 percent, but could be as high as 20 percent or higher. (Map:

Johnny Enlow is a minister who was raised on the mission field in Peru, says the Charisma News report, and he prophesied a decade ago that economic revival was on the way. He also reportedly prophesied that “a major gold mine would be discovered”—twice—and it happened—twice.

According to Enlow, the increase in the country’s material and economic blessings is causing the people to seek the Source of those blessings.

Says Enlow, “He is a God who wants you to spend eternity with Him, but He’s a God who cares about practical life. It becomes easier for people to see God in that context.”


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