FGGAM.ORG continues to strive for excellence in our Lord


working at computerWe are praising God for all that He is doing here at FGGAM. We are closing in on 30,000 visitors since Feb.1 of this year. We are all volunteers striving to be a salt and light for our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank all of you who give a love offering each month to the ministry, it fuels the engines of FGGAM. We have been able to hire Isaac Milleson to be our web master to help us improve the operation of our site on a daily basis. This was a huge step in faith for us. Our visitors are coming from all over the world for news and inspiration. Isaac has added share buttons to all of the posts made here, so now you can share our posts on twitter and facebook! We pray that you do! He also has made it easier for you to make comments on our postings by revamping that process. We encourage you to make comments, whether you agree with the writer of the post or not. We also want you to know that your encouraging words mean so much to us. We also have added Glory Radio to our site! Click and listen to the best Christian music around! Glory Radio is in partnership with our friends from the Salem Radio Network. So while you visit our site you can listen to the encouraging  music of Glory Radio! Our Preaching, Teaching and Counseling services continue to grow in demand, my wife Sharon is out speaking more and more! Our TV program on KAZQ and Radio program on KDAZ continue to be salt and light to the world for our Lord. I am thankful for the 20 volunteers that post here at FGGAM, what a blessing! I am thankful for Pastor Paul Holt who launched this web site for FGGAM! I am thankful for you, our visitors, thank you for coming by and we pray you will be back again soon. Please spread the word about FGGAM.ORG! Most of all, I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for shining His light on this Ministry! Amen!

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