God’s Healing rains continue to fall in New Mexico as His people stand in the gap for the Sanctity of Life


raintodayJames 5:18 – And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

We are just jumping for Joy in our Lord that late term abortion signature drive was such a HUGE success here in Albuquerque. Almost 27,000 signatures! That’s more than twice the needed amount to get the ordinance on the City ballot in October. I get a kick out of the media for calling us all “activists” They don’t know any better, but we are all truly disciples of our Lord standing in the gap for the sanctity of life.

As soon as this movement started to roll, God sent his healing rains to New Mexico and it continues to rain today to refresh our land and His people.

God Bless all those that headed up this signature drive and all those that signed the petition to get it on the City ballot.

God thanks you for standing in the gap.

Get ready for more rains.