Santa Fe, NM City Attorney and the State Supreme Court on same-sex marriage issue


santafe logoThe Santa Fe, New Mexico City Attorney has ruled in the past that same-sex marriage is legal not only in Santa Fe but in the State of New Mexico.  Now he wants to be part of the State’s Supreme Court decision on this matter. There is a unique rule that allows the City Attorney to put forth his input. The City of Santa Fe led by the Mayor continue to push for same-sex marriage in the state all the way to the Supreme Court. We must pray for Godly wisdom for the Supreme Court. Same-sex marriage and Abortion are two issues that God’s people must not back down on. We must stand in the gap for the sanctity of life and marriage. We are at a historic moment in New Mexico on both issues, as the drive to end late-term abortion goes on in Albuquerque. Let us be in constant prayer on these issues.