The Word of the Day: Choose life, Choose God’s Blessings


word of the dayNot only does God’s blessing’s communicate our purpose, our meaning, and our reason for existence, it influences how we relate to others and how others will relate to us. It is indelibly a part of our very identity and our destiny. It has the authority and power of God to transform our lives. I know, He has transformed me through multiple blessings! Do you hear God speak blessings to you? I do! Blessings are prophetic in that they communicate the heart, mind, and will of God for an individual. They connect us with our Father’s dream for us! Words of blessing affirm and empower God-given intrinsic attributes, such as personality, gifting, talents, character traits, and intelligences.

Earlier this week I shared how we need to speak the life of Jesus into each other!

Our word’s bring forth life or death!

Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!

Deuteronomy 30:19

When a society chooses to abort God’s Babies, it will be cursed. When a society chooses life it will be blessed! It is so AWESOME in our Lord to see America rising to be pro-life, PRO-GOD!

Speak life into each other my friends……..

What you say has power to give life to dreams and callings—–or to snuff them out before they have a chance to develop.

Speak, pray life into the pro-life, pro-GOD movement in America!

In Jesus name, Amen!

If you have had an abortion, Please contact us to help you. We counsel many who have been touched by abortion, who seek God and His forgiveness. God Bless you.