The Word of the Day: He came to give us a rich and satisfying life


word of the dayYesterday I posted here at FGGAM about Jesus coming to serve, not to be served, let us continue that theme today. Jesus said that He came to give us a “rich and satisfying life” John 10:10. Or as the King James Version puts it: “I come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” As Christians, we should embrace this abundance mentality. We are to focus on what God has given us out of His lavish abundance. Our gifts and talents were freely given to us, primarily as means to benefit others. In fact, a growing body of research shows that humans experience our greatest joy when we meaningfully contribute something of value to others out of our unique gifts and talents. Today I encourage you to read all of John 10. Read the word’s of Jesus. I love my Bible with all the words Jesus said in red!