In the past three years, judges in Arizona have approved nearly three out of every four abortions requested by minors without parental consent, recently released court records show.
The records, which are released by the Administrative Office of the Courts to the Arizona Department of Health Services every year, show that since 2010, state judges have granted 95 out of 128 petitions by minors to receive abortions without consent from their parents. It is state law to have parental consent if a minor is seeking an abortion, but the minor may subvert the parental consent requirement by going to court for approval.
Helena Silverstein, a professor at Lafayette College who specializes in abortion politics, told the Arizona-Capitol Times that it is not uncommon for a minor to receive court approval for an abortion if they have been dedicated enough to go through the court process. “In every state I have studied, or other people have studied, the pattern is the same, and the pattern is that a minor who makes her way to a court and gets before a judge to petition for a bypass is very likely to get her petition granted.”
Read more at https://global.christianpost.com/news/3-out-of-4-abortions-for-minors-approved-by-ariz-judges-without-parental-consent-records-show-102113/#dEfrvF1iSLhSUG5U.99