I was sitting in a darkened theater watching the movie Bagger Vance. Now I know the theology wasn’t correct, but one scene caused tears to stream down my cheeks. It was during a time when I was struggling with what God was calling me to do with my life.
Here’s how the story goes:
As a young man, Randolph Junuh was an incredible golfer that showed great promise. Bu right in his prime, he was called away to war. During one particular battle, his entire company was killed. Junuh was the lone survivor, but he did not survive very well.
When he returned home, Junuh lost his dream of becoming a professional golfer and lived in an abandoned old house in seclusion from the rest of the world.
Through a series of events, he was challenged to play in a golf tournament and represent the state of Georgia. Along with the challenge came a certain fellow, Bagger Vance, who would be his caddy.
Bagger, as it turned out, was supposed to be a type of “angel” sent to help Junuh rediscover his dreams.
In one final scene, Junuh is trying to recover after a bad shot by hitting a ball out of the woods. Standing among the trees, the horrors of war return and Junuh cannot go any further. He hears the gunfire and sees the soldiers falling all around him.
Then Bagger interrupts his vision of the past. Listen to this scene and stand in the woods with Junuh and Bagger.
With shaking hands and a look of terror on his face, Junuh begins…
Junuh: “I can’t do this. You don’t understand.”
Bagger: “I don’t need to understand. Ain’t no soul on this entire earth ain’t got a burden to carry he didn’t understand. You ain’t alone in that. But you been carrying this on long enough. Time to go on an lay it down.
Junuh: “I don’t know how.”
Bagger: “You’ve got a choice. You can stop or you can start.”
Junuh: “Start?”
Bagger: “Walkin. Right back to where you always been and then stand there. Still…real still…and remember.”
Junuh: “It was long ago.”
Bagger: “No sir. It was just a moment ago. Time for you to come on out of the shadow, Mr. Junuh. Time for you to choose.”
Junuh: “I can’t.”
Bagger: “Yes, you can. But you ain’t alone. I’m right here wich ya’. I”ve been here all along. Play the game. The one that only you was meant to play. The one that was given to you when you came into this world.”
(Junuh takes his stance and places his hands on the club.)
Bagger: “Ready? Take your stance. Strike the ball, Junuh and don’t hold nothin’ back. Give it everything. Let yourself remember…remember your swing. That’s right. Settle yourself. Now is the time, Junuh.”
Randolph Junuh took his stance, clutched the club, and knocked the ball out of the woods and onto the green. He also came out of the darkness and remembered who he was and what he “was made to do.”
Now I’m not a golfer, but I was standing right there in the woods with Junuh. With sweaty palms and racing heart…remembering the pains of the past…remembering past failures…remembering past defeats…remembering the battles lost and the wounded left behind.
Then God came and whispered in my ear “Sharon, take your stance. It’s time for you to come out of the shadows. Don’t be afraid. You do what I have created you to do. The plan that I set in place for you before you came into this world. Don’t let the memories of the past hold you captive. I’m right here with you…I’ve been here all along.”
Are you ready to come out of the shadows? Are you ready to tackle that thing God has placed in your heart to do? Settle yourself. Now’s the time.
After reading the comments from my blog post, When “Yes” Seems to Hard, I know God has something special up His sleeve for you. So here’s the question for today…are you ready to come out of the shadows and tackle the thing God has placed on your heart to do? If so, give a shout out in the comment box that says “yes!”
Want More?

Do you need help discovering the plans God has for you? If so, check out my book, 5 Dreams of Every Woman and How God Longs to Fulfill Them. It also has a Bible study guide in the back that you can do on your own, or with a group.