Update 6:45pm Group starts new page! Let us pray! Facebook Removes Mary should have Aborted Jesus page

Jesus-MaryBy Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter
PRAISE GOD!!!! Let us always stand in the gap for God!
Update at 8/8 6:45pm
We just got the bad news that they started a new Facebook page
Let us be in prayer!

On the world’s largest social media site a controversial group page accused of being hateful toward the Christian faith has been taken down.

“Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted,” which had at its peak about 6,800 likes, was taken down Wednesday, likely in response to complaints from Christian activists.

The effort against the page was spearheaded by the Facebook group “Catholics & Protestants Against FB Religious Discrimination.”
Read more at https://www.christianpost.com/news/facebook-group-virgin-mary-shouldve-aborted-taken-down-new-group-started-101859/#3tPVE0ch4Bu2He22.99

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