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I have to tell you it was a blessing to play in the softball game with Temple Baptist Church last night. We gave it all we had for God’s Glory Alone but we came up short, Temple beat us, Amistad, by 1 run! I have to share with you that temple DID NOT have to play that game, they already had clinched the title by beating us in the regular season, that is the tie breaker, we both finished the second half at 9-1, we both tied for first in the first half with another team!!! Great games! Anyhow as I stated Temple did not have to play us in another game, they could have faced Mountain Springs Baptist for the Championship without playing us but agreed to play us one more time and give us another shot!!!! What a blessing, what fellowship! Then at last nights game the Umpire said to me you are the home team, and I said no, the Commissioner said we would flip a coin to see who would be home team. So we did and we won the toss and I talked to Dan Bernard my brother and fellow coach and we gave Temple the home field advantage because of the grace they extended to us! Amen! So as you can see witnessing even happens on the softball field!
Old man Dewey Sliding into third with a triple last night, I had to share this with you as I am going to frame this and put it next to the leg brace I wore as a child and the quote from Doctor Meridith, “Dwayne may never walk and run like the other kids” God had other plans! For God’s Glory Alone! Thanks to Laurel Bernard for the photo! I have to add this was the greatest year in softball for me as the fellowship and learning and teamwork was so AWESOME in our LORD! PRAISE GOD! Thank you all at Amistad and Heights Christian, Pastor Jose, Pastor Mark, Dan Bernard for letting me coach and play!

I have started a new column at Son Lars gave me the idea, Small Town Working Class Views…….. Please let me know what you think!
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family
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Thank you,Dewey Moede
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