I will never forget when Chuck Colson came to Albuquerque and spoke at the Biblical Worldview Conference!, I think that was 4 years ago this month. I got to interview him, what a lovely man of God. He was so encouraging, at that conference there were Pastor’s from every county in New Mexico present. Catholics, Protestants, and Evangelicals came together that day and Colson in his closing remarks stated that if we could have gatherings like this all across America we could turn this country around for God!I am still praying for that! Chuck Colson has had a major impact on my life through all the books he has written, the radio program he did, and meeting him in person and interviewing him was one of the highlights of my 40 years in radio and TV.Meanwhile The U.S. House of Representatives’ Appropriations Committee has approved the FY 2014 spending bill that funds the Departments of Commerce and Justice. One highlight of the bill is the establishment of the Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections to increase public safety, improve offender accountability, reduce recidivism, address victims’ services and control costs.
For more click here: https://www.demossnews.com/pf//news/house_appropriations_committee_honors_the_late_chuck_colson_with_task_force