Is Bald Eagle Crashing into Oral Roberts University Prophetic?


oralroberts 2Kevin Taylor of reports:

Sometimes, practice doesn’t exactly make perfect—especially when you’re an eagle.

A bald eagle, brought in for a special spirit-day chapel service at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Okla., last week, crashed into a window at the on-campus Christ Chapel and fell to the floor. The bird is unharmed.

The bald eagle and a golden eagle were brought to participate in the service to help launch the school year at ORU. The bald eagle was supposed to fly directly to its trainer on stage, but took a bit of a detour.

“It had practiced five or six times,” said ORU spokeswoman Carissa Bratschun. “When the time came, we’re not sure what happened. It flew around the room and then hit a window.

“It was a bit shocking to see, but we’re thankful the eagle is OK.”

Shortly after the eagle crashed into the window, its trainer coaxed the bird onto his arm and the presentation went on as planned.

Video of the incident hit YouTube and has garnered more than 110,000 views since last week.

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