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A Better Way to Handle Veterans Disability Issues

veteransWhat choices do Veterans actually have when it comes to seeking help in their Veterans Disability  claims?  The Vet can apply by himself and try to figure it out or they can sign on with a Veterans service organization.  Does this really help a Veteran?  Most Veterans are denied their first try or are given a low percentage rating for their level of disability. Thus, most veterans either give up or seek the help of a Veterans group. While service organizations have their place, they are usually pretty limited on the types of cases they prevail on.   While their intentions are to help, the question arises as to whether they helping or hurting the veteran?  Often the service organizations end up hurting the veteran.    This occurs because of the sheer volume of Veterans that they are trying to help , under staffing, lack of training and lack of knowledge.   If a Veteran misses out on the time to appeal a decision they are purely out of luck and must start all over again.

What many to Veterans don’t realize that there is another option out there for them but this option is limited.  Attorneys are an option for a Veteran but only after the Veteran has been denied and his claim is on appeal.  After years of exhausting appeals, many veterans feel hopeless.  Attorneys are trained to find the evidence that the  VA is looking for to help the veteran win their claim.  Congress changed the law to allow attorneys to help veterans with their disability claims in 2007.  To date, very few attorneys have the proper accreditation or experience to properly assist Veterans.  That is why it is important for veterans who need help to find an attorney who has experience in veterans disability benefits or is a member of the National Organization of Veterans Advocates.  By doing so, veterans will see a better way to handle their own veterans disability claim.

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